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Ⅰ.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. The students in Class 3 are having a __________(discuss) about where to have a picnic. 2. Jack, if you keep trying, youll be ________ (success) in finding the best way. 3. Her dream is ________ (be) a famous doctor. 4. I think youd better stop talking ________ (loud). 5. Well invite Jenny ________ (talk) about manners in the USA. 第13课时 Unit 5 [八年级下册] to talk discussion successful to be  loudly 自学反馈 重点突破 Ⅱ.单项选择 (  )1. You should ________ after reading the books and magazines. A.put it back B.put back it C.put them back D.put back them (  )2. Do you have ________ to tell Miss Green, Linda? A.something important B.important anything C.important something D.anything important C D 第13课时 Unit 5 [八年级下册] 自学反馈 重点突破 (  )3. ________ Andy ________ Jack are busy preparing the coming final exam. A.Not only; but also B.Both; and C.Neither; nor D.Either; or (  )4. —Can we chat in the library? —Im afraid ________. We should keep quiet. A.Not B.so C.can’t D.can B A 第13课时 Unit 5 [八年级下册] 自学反馈 重点突破 * 第13课时 Unit 5 [八年级下册] 自 学 反 馈 重 点 突 破 学.科.网 第13课时 Unit 5 [八年级下册] 自 学 反 馈 类别 课标考点要求 词汇 拓展 1. polite adj. → ________ (adv.) 2. proper adj. → ________ (adv.) 3. loud adj. → ________ (adv.) 4. say v. → ________ (n.) 谚语 5. discuss v. → ________ (n.) 6. park v. → ________ (n.) 停车 7. polite adj. → ________ (反义词) 8. warn v. → ________ (n.) 自学反馈 重点突破 politely properly loudly  saying discussion parking impolite  warning 类别 课标考点要求 短语 归纳 1.打断(谈话),插嘴 ________________ 2.到处扔垃圾 ________________ 3. 保持安静 ________________ 4.使水龙头一直流着 ________________ 5.摘花 ________________ 6.遵守交通规则 ________________ 7. 邀请某人做某事 ________________ 8.保持图书馆干净 ________________ 第13课时 Unit 5 [八年级下册] cut in on sb/sth drop litter everywhere keep quiet   leave the tap running  pick flowers obey traffic rules invite sb to do sth keep the library clean 自学反馈 重点突破 短语 归纳 9. 做某事的恰当方式 ________________


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