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Quiz for M3-M5 Name_____________ Score_______________ 一.用词的适当形式填空。 My brother always spends his free time__________(play)computer games. My mom often ___________(warn)me against going out alone at night. Do your parents really want you __________learn to play the piano? Yesterday the teacher __________(punish) Tome for cheating (作弊)in the exam. If it ________(not rain)tomorrow, we will send you away. It is good for us_______________(go) for a walk after supper every day. Mary was unhappy because her parents refused _________(buy)a new toy car. It___________ (seem) that it is going to rain. It took me about three hours ___________finish the work. Stop_________! The baby is sleeping. Lucy doesn’t feel like ________(go) to the shop with me. You’d better _______(not call) him now. He began _________(mend) his computer after he had a little rest. Tell the boys_________ (stop) making a noise. The workers wanted to stop _________(work),but they didn’t. 二.完成句子 王叔叔昨天带我们参观了他的工厂。 Uncle Wang ___________us _________his factory ____________. 如果你不想亲自向他道歉,可以写信给他。 __________you don’t want to say sorry to him_________ ________,you can ______ him a letter. 请打开电视,我们看新闻吧。 Please ________ _______the TV and let’s watch news 如果是红灯亮,就请稍等一会儿。 _________the red light ________ _________,wait for a ________. 我妈妈每天至少扫一次地。 My mother sweeps the floor _________ _________ once a day. 三.根据中文写出英文 警告我不要用 1.出毛病 2.决定做某事 3.修理它会很贵 4.毕竟 5.告诉他真相 6.至少 7.主动提出付钱 8.捡起_________ 9.拯救某人的生命_________ 10.咬伤了他的手__________ 11.开始疼痛__________ 1 12.藏在桌子下面____________ 13.保持清醒__________ 14.开始做某事________ 15.等候,等待___________ 四.Multiple choice 1. The teacher told them ________ make so much noise. A. don’t B. not C. will not D. not to 2. Mrs Smith warned her daughter ________ after drinking. A. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive 3. The workers want us ________ together with them. A. work



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