Characteristics of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3–Cu2O mixture as a contact material in SOFC stacks.pdfVIP
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Characteristics of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3–Cu2O mixture as a contact material in SOFC stacks.pdf
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Characteristics of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3eCu2O mixture as a contact material in SOFC stacks
Wei-Ja Shong a,*, Chien-Kuo Liu a, Chang-Wei Lu b, Szu-Han Wu a, Ruey-Yi Lee a
a Nuclear Fuels and Materials Division, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Longtan, Taoyuan 32546, Taiwan, ROC b Information and Communications Research Division, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science Technology, Longtan, Taoyuan 32546, Taiwan, ROC
article info
Article history: Received 12 July 2016 Received in revised form 24 August 2016 Accepted 31 August 2016 Available online 20 September 2016
Keywords: SOFC Stack Contact LSCF
La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 (LSCF), a cathode material for solid oxide fuel cells, is mixed with six weight percentages (2.46e21.74 wt%) of more conductive Cu2O powder for use as a cathode contact material. Electrical conductivity change is measured at 800 C for 600 h. Conductivity ?rst increases with the Cu2O weight percentage to reach a peak value 30.67 S/cm at 7.18 wt%, then decreases with further more Cu2O content. Microstructural examination reveals that Cu2O oxidizes as CuO in the high temperature environment with a loose matrix, which can raise the electrical resistance. LSCFeCu2O paste with three weight percentages of Cu2O is also applied in steel/paste/steel assemblies. The area speci?c resistance is measured at 800 C for 200e300 h. It is found that LSCF-7.18 wt% Cu2O exhibits the lowest resistance. Additionally, stack performance is compared between two singlecell stacks with Ag mesh and LSCF-4.9 wt% CuO as the contact layer respectively. It shows that the LSCF-4.9 wt% CuO stack yields comparable power output with a lower degradation rate. Experimental results indicate that LSCF with 7.18 wt% Cu2O addition can serve as a potential contact material.
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