M2 Unit 4课件 M2 U4 Using language.pptVIP

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True or false There are many different species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China. Not long ago, a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Henan Province. Language points They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being. 千百万年前,早在人类产生之前,它们就生活在地球上。 1. Listen to the tape and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. P30 4 1. C 2. B 3.C 2. Which is the best for describing what happened? P30 3 2 is correct. Listening text Once upon a time, I lived on the island of Mauritius. I was called “dodo”. There were many of us and we were friends with all the other animals on this island. One day a new animal came to my island. His name is Man, and at first we seemed to be good friends. We went everywhere together and I shared my food with him. However, I began to wonder why several of my dodo friends had disappeared. Then the number of our species began to decrease quickly. I was so worried that I asked the other animals and they all told me, “your friends are being killed and eaten by Man while you are hunting for food.” Had Man eaten them? I couldn’t believe it! When I asked Man directly, he seemed surprised. “I haven’t seen the other dodos either.” he said. “Maybe someone else killed them.” I believe him but when more dodos disappeared I set a trap. I 陷阱;圈套 went off as if I was going to hunt but instead I hid in the forest and waited. Sure enough Man came along. He ran after the last of my dodo friends and killed her. I felt so angry that I rushed out of my hiding place and straight at Man’s spear.矛 He killed me too. After that there were no more dodos in the world. So my motto is: be careful who you trust. * * Dinosaur is an animal that we cannot see on the earth now. What we see in the museum are the fossils of many kinds of dinosaurs. They were foun


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