m5u4reading U 3 过去分词状语.pptVIP

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Section III I. 1. motivation 2. settlement 3. materials 4. swallowed 5. greedy 6. instant 7. citizen 8.button 9. receiver 10. recycled II. DDCAC BABDB DBBCA III. DBAA IV. 1) had organized ; 2) volunteer --volunteers 3) as well as ; 4) for---- to ; 5) when--- that/which或去掉when ; 6) had a lunch 7) take--- taken 8) they--- we ; 9) happily--- happy ; 10) but--- and 1. 接受奖励 take up a prize 2.不踏实,不安 be unsettled 3.和…相似 be similar to 4.以前的时光 previous time period 5.很体贴,体谅 be understanding 6.在一个时间舱里 in a time capsule 7.缺少新鲜空气 a lack of fresh air 8.调整以适应 make necessary adjustment to 9.戴上面罩 put on this mask 10.立刻 in no time 11. 系紧安全带 fasten the safety belt 12.看不见 lose sight of 13. 朝四面八方 in all directions 14. 打扫,卷入 sweep up 15.看见 catch sight of 16.灯光很柔和 soft lighting 17.在时间表上 on the timetable 18.把食物摆在桌上 spread some food on the table 19简单吃了饭,洗个热水澡 have a brief meal and a hot bath 20.移动,溜进 slide into 21.很快入睡fall fast asleep 一、ved作状语,表被动 1.____(see)from the top of the hill, the park looks more beautiful. 2.______(give)more time, we could do it much better. 3._______(catch)in a heavy rain,he was all wet. 4.________(defeat)again, we will not lose heart. 5. He began to cry as if ______(bite)by a snake. 6.Aunt Wu came in,__________(follow)by her daughter Seen Given Caught Defeated bitten followed 时间状语 原因状语 让步状语 条件状语 方式状语 伴随状语 二、ved作状语,相当于状语从句 1.When it is seen from the top of the hill, the park looks more beautiful. 2.If we were given more time, we could do it much better. 3.Because he was caught in a heavy rain,he was all wet. 4.Even if we are defeated again, we will not lose heart. 5. He began to cry as if he was bitten by a snake 6.Aunt Wu came in, and he was followed by her daughter 三、为了更好的表达,省略主语和be动词 1.When it is seen from the top of the hill, the park looks more beautiful. 2.If we were given more time, we could do it much better. 4.Even if we are defeated again, we will not lose heart. 5. He began to c


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