unit 1 M 5红对勾练习答案 U1 grammar.pptVIP

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Book 4 DCCAB ACCCC 1.ACBCC BABBA CDDBB CBDAB 1. AADBA DABBB infectious disease deadly disease neither… nor… every time face the challenge solve the problem a cloud of absorb into particular streets be determined to dead people make further investigation look into slow down be linked to have sth delivered with certainty prevent from doing instruct sb to do sth expose … to… victim physician analyse defeat challenge enquiry pump blame absorb link to 2. severe supected exposed expert cure foresaw concluded announced attended 3 make a suggestion make a decision make a plan make a contribution make a speech make a noise make a change make a description make an investigation The Past Participle as the Attribute Predicative Unit 1 Grammar learning 1) I was angry with him for keeping me waiting so long. 2) She is a beautiful young lady. 3) He got worried about losing the money. 4) Sally was so excited at the good news. 5) So many thousands of terrified people died. 一. 过去分词的定义 动词的-ed分词即过去分词,一般只有一种形式, 但也有不规则的构成形式。 例如: want---wanted---wanted do---did---done 二. 过去分词的语法作用:? ??? 过去分词,有动词的性质,也相当于一个形容词或副词, 在句中可以作表语、定语、 状语和补足语。 1. 过去分词做定语: ??? 在名词前: The excited people rushed into the building.??激动的人们奔进了大楼。 the people who were excited 一、过去分词作定语 1、定语时一般兼有被动和完成的意义。 eg: 一只迷路的动物 一枚用过的邮票 一个受伤的手指 一枚破损的硬币 一支点燃的蜡烛 a lost animal a used stamp an injured finger a broken coin a lighted candle 只有被动意义。 e.g.:spoken English 英语口语 written exercises 书面练习 只有完成的意义 fallen leaves 落叶 the risen sun 升起来的太阳 a returned student 一名留学生 a retired teacher 一名退休教师 an escaped prisoner 一名逃跑的囚犯 1)短语在后 Is there anything planned for tomorrow??? The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.? that w


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