高中英语教学资料 m4u2 U2 learning about language.pptVIP

高中英语教学资料 m4u2 U2 learning about language.ppt

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E1 1. sunburnt 2. rid… of 3. expend 4. circulate 5. would rather 6. struggle 7. export 8. satisfied with 9. equip 10 crops 11 thanks to E2 1 statistics globe 2 super nationalities 3 Hunger disease 4 Vietnam occupations 5 freedom exported E3 decade struggle expending Equipped output grain crops battles disturbing Grammar exercises P13 1. Helping people in great need of help is nice . 2. Growing super hybrid rice is not easy . 3. Learning more about farming is not difficult. 4. Doing research in the country is not as easy as in the city. 5. Getting rid of hunger is very important for some African countries. 6. Explaining this again is important or we will confuse the students. As the object 1) He suggested doing it in a different way. 2) The president tried to avoid answering the reporter’s questions. 3) I admit having read your letter. P13 e3 + to do (the infinitive 动词不定式) 时态 doing / having done 语态 Laughing at others is impolite. Being laughed at made him unhappy. prevent from doing prevent from being done 否定 Not doing ... regret not doing both to do and doing hate/ love/ prefer/ remember regret/ try/ begin/ stop/ forget like/ start / mean 表语 Seeing is believing 定语 swimming pool E4 1. to see 2. learning 3. having 4. to experiment 5. trying out 6. to find out 7. to develop 8. to fail 9. owning 10. sending As the object 1.Compare the three pairs of sentences. It has started to snow. It has started snowing. The band began to play. The band began playing. They continued to meet regularly. They continued meeting regularly. As the object 2.Compare the three pairs of sentences. I’d like to have a cup of coffee. I like reading novels very much. I prefer to take the next train. I prefer going to work by bus. Oh, I hate to leave you tomorrow. I hate lying and cheating. As the object 3. Compare the three pairs of sentences.


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