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2013届英语二轮精品高频点精析句子精选 你一直在忙些什么?(busy) What have you been busy with? 健康讲座明天上午九点开始。(begin) The lecture on/ about health will begin at 9 a.m. tomorrow/ tomorrow morning. 离家的时候,不要让灯开着。(leave) Don’t leave the lights on when you leave home. 为什么不多等10分钟呢?(wait) Why not wait another ten minutes/ ten more minutes? 老实讲,我从不相信电视里的广告。(believe) To tell you the truth/ Honestly speaking, I never believe the advertisements on television. 你一到那里请马上与我联系。(contact) Please contact me at once after/ the moment/ as soon as you get there/ arrive there. 你不在家的时候谁来照顾孩子们?(away) Who will take care of the children when you are away from home? 玲玲喜欢入睡前妈妈给她讲故事。(asleep) Lingling likes her mother to tell her stories before she falls asleep/ before falling asleep. 过马路时务必要当心。(sure) Be sure to be careful when crossing the street. 显然你上课思想开小差了。(absent-minded) It’s obvious that you are absent-minded in class/ during the lesson. Obviously, you are absent-minded in class/ during the lesson. 这故事发生在20世纪30年代的上海。(happen) The story happened in Shanghai in the 1930s. 他的英勇行为感动了成千上万的人。(more) His heroic deeds have moved thousands of people. 如今世界上越来越多的人开始对学习中文感兴趣了。(become) Nowadays, more and more people in the world are becoming interested in learning Chinese. 她花了整整两小时才解出这道数学难题。(spend) He spent two whole hours in working out the difficult maths problem. 在妈妈生日那天,我想要给她一个大大的惊喜。(intend) I intend to give my mother a big surprise on her birthday. 面对大海,你会忘记所有的烦恼。(face) Facing seas, you will forget all about your worries. 不要问我究竟为什么这样做。(on earth) Don’t ask me why I did so on earth. 别人帮助了你,就应该表示感谢。(express) When someone helps you, you should express your gratitude/ thanks to him. 我想他会为自己的所作所为感到羞愧的。(ashamed) I think he will feel ashamed of/ about what he has done. 那时我就清楚地知道怎么样的朋友才是真朋友。(conscious) At that time, I was conscious what kind of friends were true friends. 我知道你已经尽了你最大的努力,这就够了。(try) I know you have tried your best and that is enough. 你整天埋怨这埋怨那有什么用呢?(complain) What’s the use of you complaining abut everything all day? 她决心长大当个



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