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跨国公司财务管理策略及其在我国的实践 摘要 跨国企业由于具有全球化的战略目标,经济结构上占有一定优势。近年来,随着跨国企业的综合实力增强,更加注重对财务的管理,并制定出适合自身发展的财务管理战略,并收到良好的效果。我国自加入世界经济贸易组织以来,特别注重对企业结构的调整,尤其是财务管理。因为财务是一个企业的核心内容,我国的企业充分借鉴跨国企业财务管理战略。然而,由于我国国情的特点与国家相比还是有一定差距的,我国企业在采用跨国企业财务管理战略以来虽然有一定进步。但是,依然存在一些问题。本文针对当前跨国企业财务管理战略在我国的实践展开研究,分析存在的问题,并提出完善我国企业财务管理的策略,从而提高我国企业的核心竞争力。 关键词:跨国公司;财务管理战略;实践 ABSTRACT Multinational companies because of the global strategic target,economic structure has certain advantages. In recent years,with the comprehensive strength of the multinational enterprises,pay more attention to the management of finance, nd to develop a suitable for their own development strategy,financial management and received good results. Since the accession to the world economic and trade organizations in our country,with a special focus on structural adjustment of the enterprise,especially the financial management.Because finance is the core content of an enterprise,fully absorb multinational enterprise financial management strategy of enterprises in our country.However, due to the characteristics of Chinas national conditions, compared with the country still has certain gap since the multinational enterprise financial management strategy adopted in our country enterprise although has the certain progress.But, still there are some problems. This article in view of the current multinational enterprise financial management strategy in the study of the practice in our country,analysis of existing problems, and put forward the perfect our country enterprise financial management strategy, so as to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises in our country. Keywords:Multinational companies;The financial management strategy;practice 目录 前言 1 一、跨国企业财务管理策略 1 (一)会计管理和成本管理 1 (二)内部职能管理 1 (三)审计 2 二、跨国企业财务管理策略在我国的应用现状 2 三、海尔集团对跨国企业财务管理策略的实践存在的问题 3 (一)国内产能过剩 3 (二)资金使用率低 3 (三)预算能力欠缺 4 四、完善跨国公司财务管理策略在我国的实践的对策 4 (一)财务集中管理 5 (二)提高资金利用率 5 (三)加强内部财务管理 5 结论 6 参考文献 7 注释 8 致谢 9 前言 随着世界经济贸易组织在发展中不断庞大,各个国家经济体系越来越健全,企业以不同形式展现在世界面前。我国作为发展中


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