Unit 21 Karl Marx(一) 教.doc

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Unit 21 Karl Marx 一、教学目标与要求 ?通过本单元教学,使学生进一步掌握过去完成时的用法,并复习一般过去时态。通过学习马克思如何学习外语来了解外语学习的重要性及这位伟人极富顽强毅力的一面,学习这位伟人的科学精神。学生能够用自己的语言,描述有关马克思生平的一些情况和学习的务实态度,并从中受到教育和启发。 ?二、教学重点与难点 ?1.重点词汇force;rapid;praise;encourage;have a talk with;come across;makeprogress;before long;move on;keep on(doing something);o... 2.重要句型 1)In 1849,he went to England and made London the base for his revo-lutionary work.2)He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles inEnglish for an American newspaper.3)His English was so good that Engels wrote him a let-ter and praised him for it.4)He found it important to study the situation in Russia. 3.语法 掌握过去完成时的用法;复习一般过去时:1)Marx had learnt some Englishbefore he got to England.2)After he arrived in England,Marx worked hard to improve hisEnglish.3)When all his money had gone,Marx had to leave his house in London. 4.日常交际用语 谈论语言学习(Talking about language study):1)How are you get-ting on with your English lessons?2)My grammar is improving,but I find idioms and usefulexpressions hard to learn.3)Which do you find easiest/most difficult—listening,speaking,reading or writing?4)If you have a problem with...,you should... ?三、课型 ?(一)对话课 Ⅰ.教具 录音机,投影仪。 Ⅱ.课堂教学设计 1.教师通过以下步骤导入本课: 向学生提出下列问题:I understand that you all like to learn English and all of you havefound it interesting to learn the English language.Now tell me what you have found hard tolearn in English,listening,speaking,reading or writing?Or other things like verbs,sen-tence structure,spelling and pronunciation? 2.准备放对话录音。借助投影片打出以下听前提问:1)What does Yang Mei find hardto learn in English? 2)When the man met the woodcutter the second time,what was thewoodcutter doing?放录音一至两遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。 Key:1)Yang Mei finds idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.2)The woodcutterwas cutting the tree up. 根据本课对话内容,教师再提出一些问题,检查学生的理解程度,并对某些问题展开讨论。 1)Yang Mei finds idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.Do you agree?Pleasegive examples to show why you agree or disagree.2)Did the man really understand w


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