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一听力ACBAC BCCBC CABBB BACAB 7月8日 二、单项填空 21-25 BBCDA 26-30 ADBAC 31-35 CBADC 36-40 ACBBD? 三、完形填空? 41-45 BADCD 46-50 DBBCD 51-55 ABDCA 56-60 BDACD 四、阅读理解? 61-65??CCDAB 66-69??CBBD 70-74?CAADD 75-80? BDACA B 81-85 FCAED 五、短文改错 1.before-after 2.stood-standing 3.with后加an 4.hopelessly—hopelessly 5.dead---death 6.too-so 7.for去掉 8.find—found 9.dog—dogs 10.so--but Dear Mr. Wang, Knowing that our school is making some adjustments to the student clubs, I’d like to give some suggestions. Among all the clubs, English Club wins its greatest popularity among us students for its constant efforts to help us get fun in English learning. You know, it is so important for us to have a good command of the language . The Club can always come up with some interesting and creative activities to boost增加 our interest and keep us motivated. Besides, it is love that makes the world go round. Thanks to Volunteers Association, during weekends or vacations a lot of students in our school can get involved in the activities to help the needy, through which we get to know what a great difference love can make. So I do hope these two clubs can continue to play their roles. Hope my suggestions will meet with your approval. Yours sincerely, Li Yue 22. regular education, preschool education, adult education, vocational education and special education. 普通教育、幼儿教育、成人教育、职业教育、特殊教育 primary/secondary/tertiary/adult education 初等[中等/高等/成人]教育 have access to opportunity or right to use sth or approach sb (使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利 Only high officials had access to the president. 只有高级官员才可以接近总统. Students must have access to a good library. 学生要有使用好图书馆的便利条件 The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users. 这些设施已经改造过以方便轮椅使用者进入。 Scientists have only recently


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