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Unit 1 I Was Deceived Text A I Was Deceived Starter Background Information Text Understanding Language Points Exercises Writing Starter: The Internet is a new, trendy way to meet potential mates. Yet it has also provided another way for cheaters to cheat. Tell your classmates a cyber love relationship you have heard about or personally experienced, no matter whether it turned out for the best or the worst. There is always something missing in an internet relationship until you meet the person, and you have to be incredibly strong to do that, and aware that things will be different, (theres a possibility you wont be as compatible as first thought, but theres also a chance youll fall even deeper for each other!) Its just like coming to a new stage of your relationship - Everything runs in stages. I know ... I met my wife online! Suggested answer 2: I dont believe in cyber love I strongly don’t believe in it ,but this person send me at least dozen messages and these msgs are like really long and he is like ok enough of him but I don’t believe and may be my opinion may change in future but for now I am not for it . Background Information The Internet The Internet is a computer-based global information system. It is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with one another and to share computational resources such as powerful supercomputers and databases of information. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and inexpensively communicate with one another. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet does not have a centralized distribution system. Instead, an individual who has Internet access can communicate directly with anyone else on the Internet, make information available to others, find information provided by others, or sell products wit


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