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题 目:基于AT90CAN128单片机高炉烧结 配料系统----信号采集部分 基于AT90CAN128单片机高炉烧结配料系统----信号采集部分 摘 要 A/D进行采样转换为数字量后,由计算机进行存储、处理、显示或打印。整个系统由信息采集部分、PID过程控制部分和CAN总线通信三大部分来实现其功能,还可以在显示屏上查询的使用情况,尽早发现和消除隐患,实时处理故障,进一步提高了系统的可靠性。 关键词:Sintering blast furnace system based on AT90CAN128 single-chip microcomputer ------ Signal acquisition Abstract Sintering blast furnace system is relying on regulation to control the conveyor speed into the charge of a variety of materials, to complete a variety of clinker ratio. It can change all kinds of physical quantities of the industrial site (analog signals) into electrical signals through sensors, and then, after A/D sample is converted to digital value, to store(information), process, display or print in a computer or system . The entire system is make up of information collection, PID control and CAN bus communication , achieveing its main functions, it also can display information such as a given flow, the actual flow and its error, find out hidden danger and remove it early,further improve the reliability of the system.Our design is mainly directed against part of the design of signal acquisition. The system is based on AT90CAN128 single-chip microcomputer as the core components of a simple data acquisition system. The main components of the system are: AT90CAN128、ULN2803、VFD、CS5523、LED and so on。AT90CAN128 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microprocessors, which functions used for our system to provide the conditions to achieve the design. This system is not only to do single-channel signal acquisition, but also on the cycle of multi-channel signal acquisition, even up to 4-way acquisition. Traffic signals can be collected, but can also signals to the switch. Stable performance of the system with the interference must, and its precision is also able to meet the requirements of accuracy. Key words: AT90CAN128; batching systems; electronic belt; signal acquisition 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 引 言 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.1.1 容积配料 1 1.1.2 重量配料 2 1.2 烧结机自动称重配料控制



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