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摘要目前,我国大多数污水处理控制系统自动化水平不高、安全性低,效率普遍低于世界标准,而且污水处理成本居高不下,污水厂排放的处理过的污水的水质不稳定。污水处理系统中的曝气过程控制、数据通讯和监控管理是急需解决的主要问题。所以如何建立有效的自控系统,优化运行效果,减少运行费用,具有重要意义。本系统设计的污水处理采用处理工艺,整个监控系统分为三部分:现场数据采集部分,完成数据采集功能;现场控制单元,分现场控制柜和PLC站,现场控制柜主要完成手动控制,PLC站主要完成数据处理、自动控制及通讯功能;上位监控部分,主要监视现场各工艺流程运行状况并实施远程控制功能。本系统以OMRON公司的PLC作为数据采集及控制单元,配合各种检测仪表和控制设备对污水的液位、流量、pH值、温度及溶解氧浓度等控制量进行数据采集。同时,按照控制要求对各个现场设备如粗细格栅、提升泵、鼓风机等进行相应控制。根据工艺流程和控制要求设立了3个分布站,各站通过以太网与上位机相连。上位机通过组态王和各站进行数据交换,从而实现集中控制。关键词:污水处理,PLC,工艺流程AbstractAt present, the majority of our sewage treatment control system automation level is not high, low security, efficiency is generally lower than the world standard. And high cost, the quality of sewage treatment is unstable. In the sewage treatment system, the aeration process control, data communications and monitoring and management are the main issues that need to be resolved. So how to establish effective automatic control system to optimize the operating results, and reduces operating costs is of great significance.The system of sewage treatment plant using the processing technology, the whole monitoring system is divided into three parts: the field data acquisition, to complete the data acquisition function; field control unit, divided into the control cabinet and PLC station, the control cabinet is mainly to complete the manual control, PLC station mainly completes the data processing, automatic control and communication; PC monitoring section, the main surveillance site the process operating conditions and the implementation of remote control function.This system using OMRON PLC as the data collection and control unit, with a variety of instrumentation and control equipment for sewage liquid level, flow rate, pH value, temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration control data collection, at the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the control the field equipment such as thickness grille, lifting pump, blower and the corresponding control. The system according to the technical pr


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