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硕士学位论文 宁波口岸船舶检疫监督管理系统的分析与设计 摘要 船舶卫生检疫监督是口岸检验检疫部门对入出本口岸的国际航行船舶实施进出境卫生检疫、卫生监督,以及对本口岸内服务国际航行船舶的相关企业进行监督监管的一项工作。 当前在宁波口岸,检验检疫机构内部不同部门之间、检验检疫机构与船舶代理之间,检验检疫与口岸其他监管部门之间尚未搭建良好的数据交换和共享的平台。随着业务量的增长,船舶检疫监督的工作量和工作难度也日益增加,开发一套适合本口岸的船舶检疫监督业务管理系统势在必行。 本文针对宁波口岸船舶检疫业务现状,分析了宁波口岸船舶检疫业务的详细需求,设计了宁波口岸船舶检疫监督管理系统。建立了以Web Service为内外网数据交换接口,ASP.NET为开发工具,Oracle 9.0为数据库,符合宁波口岸船舶检疫业务的信息化管理系统。其功能模块涵盖了基础管理、权限管理、知识管理、通知公告、申报模块、检疫查验、卫生监督、证书管理、统计查询和计费归档,实现了从船舶检疫的申报、受理、结果登记、计费和归档等功能,同时完善对宁波口岸服务单位的日常监管。大大提高了宁波口岸国际航行船舶的检疫效率。 关键词:船舶,检疫,监督,信息系统,设计 Abstract Ship quarantine and inspection is a job for port inspection and quarantine departments (named as CIQ) to quarantine and sanitary inspection the international ships when it entry and exit the port, and supervision the related companies which services the international ships in the port . Currently in Ningbo port, CIQ internal between different departments, CIQ with shipping agency, CIQ with other regulatory departments have not yet set up a good data exchange and sharing platform. As the growth of the ships, quarantine and inspection increasing workload and work harder, so to develop a suitable information system for the CIQ is imperative. In view of the situation in Ningbo port of the international ship quarantine and inspection, research the architecture of the Ningbo port ship quarantine and inspection system. Create an information system accord with Ningbo port of the international ship quarantine and inspection, Which relies on Web Service for data exchange interface between inner and outer net, ASP.NET as the develop tool, and Oracle 9.0 as the database .Achieve from the international ship quarantine declaration, acceptance, registration, billing, and archive, etc. At the same time improve the day-to-day supervision to the service companies in Ningbo port. Greatly enhance the efficiency of the port of Ningbo international ships quarantine. Key Words:Ship, Quarantine, Inspection, Information System, Design 目录 摘要 i Abstract ii 图目录 III 表目


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