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HW2 Due Date: Nov. 23 Part I: written assignment 1. a) Compute the Information Gain for Gender, Car Type and Shirt Size. 本题的class有两类;即C0和C1 IC0,C1= I10,10=1 inforgender(D)=1020 I6,4+1020 I4,6 =1020 -610 log2610-410 log2410+1020 -610 log2610-410 log2410=0.971 Gain(gender)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=1-0.971=0.029 inforCarType(D)=420 I1,3+820 I8,0+820 I1,7 =420-14 log214-34 log234+820 -18 log218-78 log278=0.3797 Gain(CarType)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=1-0.3797=0.6203 inforShirtSize(D)=520 I3,2+720 I3,4+420 I2,2+420 I2,2 =520-35 log235-25 log225+720 -37 log237-47 log247+410 -24 log212-24 log212=0.9876 Gain(shirtSize)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=1-0.9876=0.0124 b) Construct a decision tree with Information Gain. ① 由a知,CarType的information Gain最大,故本题应该选择CarType作为首要分裂属性。 CarType的类别有Luxury family Sport(因全部属于C0类,此类无需再划分) ② 对Luxury进一步划分: IC0,C1= I1,7=0.5436 inforgender(D)=18 I1,0+78 I1,6=0+78 -17 log217-67 log267=0.5177 Gain(gender)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=0.5436-0.5177=0.0259 inforShirtSize(D)=28 I0,2+38 I0,3+28 I1,1+18 I0,2=0.25 Gain(shirtSize)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=0.5436-0.25=0.2936 故此处选择ShirtSize进行属性分裂。 ③ 对family进一步划分: IC0,C1= I1,3=0.811 Gain(gender)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=0.811- I1,3=0 Gain(shirtSize)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D) =0.811- 14 I1,0- 14 I0,1- 14 I0,1- 14 I0,1=0.811 故此处选择ShirtSize进行属性分裂。 ④ 根据以上的计算可得本题的决策数如下: 2. (a) Design a multilayer feed-forward neural network (one hidden layer) for the data set in Q1. Label the nodes in the input and output layers. 根据数据的属性特点易知输入层有8个节点,分别为: x1 Gender ( Gender = M: x1 = 1; Gender = F: x1 = 0 ) x2 Car Type = Sports ( Y = 1; N = 0) x3 Car Type = Family( Y = 1; N = 0) x4 Car Type = Luxury ( Y = 1; N = 0) x5 Shirt Size = Small ( Y = 1; N = 0) x6 Shirt Size = Medium ( Y = 1; N = 0) x7 Shirt Size = Large ( Y = 1; N = 0) x8 Shirt Size = Extra Large ( Y = 1; N = 0) 隐藏层有三个节点x9、x10和x11. 输出为二类问题, 因此只有1个节点x12(C0=1;C2=0). 神经网络图如下:(其中Wij表示输入层第i个节点到隐藏层第j个节点所付权重,为方便计算,第i个节点到第9/10/11个节点的权重设置一样;Wi-j则表示隐藏层第i个节点到输出层节点所赋予的权重 ) c) Using the neural ne


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