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话题 3 Personal environment(period1) (周围环境) 第一部分 教材考点系统化复习 本话题知识分布 Part 1 课前自测 Part 2 重点突破 Part 3 随堂巩固 话题书面表达指导3 周围环境 Ⅰ.《英语课程标准》中“周围环境”的子话题 本话题知识分布 Ⅱ.人教新目标教材中“周围环境”知识分布 Units topics Functions Structures 7A Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions Prepositions on, in, under Conjunction and 7B Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? The neighborhood Ask for and give directions on the street There be structure Where questions Prepositions of place 8A Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? Your town Discuss preferences Making comparisons Superlatives with —(i)est and most Irregular comparisons: good, better, best, bad, worse, worst 8B Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. Living environment Talk about possessions and things around you Present perfect tense with since and for 返回 Part 1 课前自测 单词拼写 Ⅰ.本话题主要词汇―→ 识记·联想·积累 1._____ n.地板 2._________ n.电脑 3.______ n.屏幕 4._____ n.桌子 5._______ n.图片 6._____ n.椅子 7._____ n.钟 floor computer screen table picture chair clock 8._____ n.收音机 9.________ n.博物馆 10._______ n.医院 11._______ n.图书馆 12._______ n.电影院 13.____ n.动物园 14._____ n.街,街道 15.______ n.桥 radio museum hospital library cinema zoo street bridge 16.______ n.角;角落;拐角 17.______ prep.在……下面 18.__________________在……对面 19.______ adj.特别的 20._____ adj.新鲜的 21._____ n.票 corner under across from/opposite special fresh ticket 22.easy adj.容易的—______ adv.容易地 23.create v.创造—________ adj.有创造力的 24.special adj.特别的—________ adv.特别地 25.win v.赢—_______ n.获胜者 26.bad adj.坏的—______(最高级) 词汇活用 easily creative specially winner worst Ⅱ.本话题重点短语―→ 识记·联想·运用 1.____ _____ 向右 2._______...____...在……与……之间 3.__ ____ ___ 在你的左边 4.__ _____ of 各种各样 5.___ example 例如 6.______ the _____ 全世界 7._____ out 清理 turn right between and on your left all kinds for around world clear 8.________ doing sth.考虑做某事 9.give _____ 捐赠 10.once __ _____ a year 一年一或两次 11.__ ones _______ 依某人之见 12.____ sth.___ sb.把某物给某人 consider away or twice in opinion give to Ⅲ.本话题


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