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翻译写作教研室 翻译练习 一、出题方式 一、出题方式 一、出题方式 二、文章结构与思路 第一段:陈述现状段 文章第一句话:陈述现状,交待背景 范文 Nowadays more and more people are suffering from sub-health, especially city people, intellectuals or white collars who work in research or management positions… 第一段:陈述现状段 文章第二句话:本文目的(要解决的问题) 范文 But what is sub-health? Which factors may cause and contribute to sub-health? How can we know we are in sub-health state and how do we prevent or get rid of sub-health? This essay will discuss these issues. 第二段:原因或危害陈述段 文章第三句话:现象产生的原因 范文 Why are so many people suffering from sub-health? Many factors can contribute to sub-health. 第二段:原因或危害陈述段 文章第四句话:问题产生的具体原因 问题或现象产生的原因 问题或现象产生的原因 3. 法律的执行不够严厉 Relevant laws and regulations may not have been strictly enforced to warn people not to do sth.(drive after drinking) 问题或现象产生的原因 范文 Firstly, (快节奏) of contemporary life and (激烈的社会竞争)play a crucial role in sub-health. Secondly,(不健康的生活方式)is closely related to sub-healthy conditions. 范文 Thirdly…Fourthly… Finally, there are many other factors that make people more likely to have sub-health, including malnutrition, air conditioner, …and so on. 第二段:原因或危害陈述段 文章第五句话:问题带来的危害 范文 If you are sub-healthy, you must take it seriously, because (原因1) sub-health can impair immunity and(原因2)make people more likely to suffer from diseases. In addition,(原因3)sub-health makes people not enjoy their wonderful life. 第三段:解决措施建议段 文章第六句话:号召大家关注并采取措施 范文 According to a recent survey sub-health is afflicting sixty percent of middle-aged and elderly. And females are more susceptible to sub-health than males.(用数字说明亚健康的严重程度) So, we must take measures to cope with the situation. 第三段:解决措施建议段 文章第七句话:采取的具体措施 第三段:解决措施建议段 1.(两面性问题,如网上购物,手机使用等) 第三段:解决措施建议段 2. 大家联合起来:(心理健康,网瘾等) 第三段:解决措施建议段 3. 个人意识:(提高环境保护意识等) 第三段:解决措施建议段 4. 加强教育:(用于社会问题,道德问题等) 第三段:解决措施建议段 5. 政府出台:(如浪费问题,酒驾等) 第三段:解决措施建议段 6. 呼吁相关部门加强监管:(如质量问题,假冒产品问题) 范文 Here are some suggestions. First of all,(保持好心情和乐观的生活态度)is necessary. In the next place, t


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