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AN INTRODUCTION TO CONDUCTIVE COMPOUNDS 导電 产品介绍 Antistatic/Conductive Compounds Dust attraction Electrical shock Electrical discharge causing fire or explosion Antistatic/Conductive Compounds Electrostatic discharge (ESD) occurs when a non-conducting surface is rubbed against another ESD can damage or destroy sensitive electronic components, erase or alter magnetic media, or set off explosions or fires in flammable environments. Each year, an estimated $40 billion in losses from ESD damage occur in the electronics industry alone. Antistatic/Conductive Compounds ESD can be controlled with materials, such as conductive thermoplastic compounds, that do not generate high levels of charge and dissipate charges before they can accumulate to dangerous levels. Plastics, surface resistivity 10E14 - 10E18 at 20oC and 50%RH Antistatic/Conductive Compounds Volume resistivity, surface resistivity, or static decay Description: 10En n= -, 0, + any number Test Methods - Surface Resistivity Surface resistivity is most common for 10E2 to 10E12 range According to ASTM D257 A measure of resistance between two electrodes Unit: ohms/sq ?s Voyager Meter Test Methods - Volume Resistivity Volume resistivity can roughly relate to EMI/RFI shielding effectiveness According to ASTM D257 Electrodes are placed on opposite faces of a sample Volume resistivity = resistance x surface area of electrode ÷ thickness of part = ohms-cm ?v Electrometer Test Methods - Static Decay When a material transfers or eliminates a charge through a ground or to the atmosphere it is called static decay Widely used MIL-B-81705B standard Requires the 5000 volts to discharge to 0 volts in less than 2 seconds at 15% RH The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Code 56A calls for a decay to 500 volts (10%) in less than 0.5 seconds at 50% RH Antistatic/Conductive Compounds Two types of antistatic agents: Internal, preferred External, short lived Internal agent is added during extrusion process


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