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Project Name System Test Summary Report Current Version: Owner: Date Last Updated: Last Updated By: Author: Date Created: Approved By: Approval Date: Revision History Version Number Date Updated Revision Author Brief Description of Changes Instructions: For the suggested topics below, replace text within brackets with project specific information. Some of the topics may not apply to all projects. In the topics where a response is optional, a choice, [“N/A for this report”] is included in the instructions. Table of Contents Generated Automatically. To update table based on changes in the document, select the table and hit F9. 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Test Item 4 1.2 Reference 4 1.3 Variances 4 1.4 Comprehensiveness Assessment 5 2 Test Results 5 2.1 Test Build and Installation - Defect Summary 5 2.2 Build and Installation Checklist 5 2.3 Build and Installation Summary 6 2.4 Integration Testing - Test Case Summary 6 2.5 Integration Testing - Defect Summary 6 2.6 Integration Testing - Test Pass Checklist 6 2.7 Integration Testing - Summary 7 3 Evaluation 7 4 Summary of Activities 7 Introduction [Document the summary of the Integration Test results and validate the results.] Project ID: PTS ID Test Cycle: Tested Cycle number. E.g., 1 Test Cycles: All Planed Test Cycles. E.g., 3 Reference Documents: E.g., Schedule for the Integration Testing, or specified in current document (1.2) Test Item [Summarize the evaluation of the test items. Identify the items tested, indicating their version/revision level. Indicate the environment in which the testing activities took place.] Tested Items: What has been tested. E.g., SGM.COM Version/revision Level: List all tested versions. E.g. 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 009, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14 Environment: Describe all tested environments. E.g., Integration test environment 1 which specified in integration test plan document. Locati


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