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TECHNICAL DATA FORM 104 B JOINT FORMING, PLIABLE, NON-GASSING, POLYETHYLENE FOAM BACKER ROD MANUFACTURER — Industrial Thermo oPlymers Ltd. 153 Van Kirk Drive, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L7A 1A4 Toll free:1-800-387-3847 Tel: 905-846-3666 Fax: 905-846-0363 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Basic Use: ITP Soft Type Backer Rod is a soft, grey, pliable, non-gassing backup material inserted into an expansion or contraction joint to: ? Control sealant depth ? Create a backstop to allow proper sealant tooling ? Ensure sealant adhesion to joint surfaces only ? And yield a proper bond break between backup material and sealant It can also be used as a temporary joint seal. Specific Uses: Particularly suited for specialty applications where standard backer rods are not appropriate. Ideal in irregular joint applications particularly where self-leveling, flowable sealants are employed. Also recommended with sealants where bubbling concerns are critical. May also be used in place of most standard backer rod applications. (See Illustration below) Compatibility: ITP Soft Type Backer Rod is virtually an inert composition and therefore compatible with all known cold applied sealants including butyl, polysulfide, acrylic, polyurethane and silicone. Composition and Material: ITP Soft Type Backer Rod is a polyethylene foam consisting of both open and closed cells on the inside with a skin-like outer texture. It is highly flexible, pliable and compressible for easy installation. This material is available in a wide variety of diameters. TABLE I STOCK SIZES AVAILABLE Shipping Diameter format Feet per Metric Meters per carton Diameter carton 3/8” 1 Spools 2100 9mm 640 5/8” 2 Spools 1550 15mm 472 7/8” 1 Spool 850 22mm 259 1 1/8” 1 Spool 500 29mm 152 1 6’ Lengths 420 38mm 128 2” 6’ Lengths 240 50mm 73 2 6’ Lengths 156 64mm 48 3” 6’ Lengths 102 76mm 31 4” 6’ Lengths 48 101mm 15 Rectangular cartons are ideal for warehousing and handling All cartons have convenient hand holes for carrying ease UPS and most ot


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