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本科生毕业论文 排污权交易制度的完善 姓 王敬豪 学  号 专  业 指导教师 年月日 摘 要 我国排污权交易制度交易制度在逐步发展,但是目前仍然存在诸多的问题:相关的法律法规不完善,使得排污权交易制度无法可依;政府监管手段缺乏有效性,造成企业违法成本低,偷排多排污染物问题严重;排污权交易市场不完善,企业参与排污权交易的自觉性和积极性不强;政府对于环保理念的宣传力度不够,公民环保意识不足,没有形成绿色消费、环保消费的观念,使得“绿色环保企业”这样的标识对于企业来说可有可无。 以上诸多因素阻碍我国排污权交易制度的发展,而我国目前作为世界上最大的碳排放国,环境污染问题日益严重,我国政府必须拿出壮士断腕的决心来根绝这些问题。针对排污权交易制度中的问题,首先必须完善相关法律法规,改革监管制度,完善问责与激励机制,并且尽快构建全国性的排污权交易市场,促使企业参与到排污权交易中来,同时加强环保意识的宣传教育,增强公民的环保意识,构建政府、企业、公民共同参与的大局。 关键词:Abstract Trading system of emissions trading system in China in the progressive development, but at present there are still many problems: relevant laws and regulations is not perfect, prevented emissions trading system can depend on. Government regulation means a lack of effectiveness, resulting in the illegal cost is low, the serious problem of exhaust pollutants discharges; Not form a perfect emissions trading market, enterprises to participate in the self-consciousness and the enthusiasm of emission trading is not strong; The governments propaganda of environmental protection concept, civil environmental protection consciousness, no form of the concept of green consumption, green consumption, making the identity of the green enterprise for the enterprises is dispensable. The above factors hinder the development of Chinas emissions trading system, and our country at present, the worlds largest emitter of carbon, the environmental pollution problem is becoming more and more serious, our government must come up with a strong man DuanWan determination to eliminate these problems. Aimed at the problems in the emissions trading system, you must first improve the relevant laws and regulations, reform of the regulatory system, improve the accountability and incentive mechanism, and construct a national emissions trading market as soon as possible, encourage enterprises to participate in the emissions trading, at the same time to strengthen publicity and education of environmental protection consciousness, strengthen environm


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