学位论文-清单计价与定额计价的比较 .doc

学位论文-清单计价与定额计价的比较 .doc

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JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 清单计价与定额计价的比较 英文题目 Comparison Of List Valuation And Quota Valuation 院 系 继续教育学院 专 业 工 程 造 价 姓 名 准考证号 046914100188 指导教师 二零一六年十月 摘 要 工程量清单计价方法,是建设工程招标投标中,按照国家统一的《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500—2008),招标人或委托具有资质的中介机构编制反映工程实体消耗和措施消耗的工程量清单,并作为招标文件的一部分提供给投标人,由投标人依据工程量清单,根据各种渠道所获得的工程造价信息和经验数据,结合企业定额自主报价的计价方式。工程建设定额是根据国家一定时期的管理体制和管理制度,根据不同定额的用途和适用范围,由指定的机构按照一定的程序制定的。并按照规定的程序审批和办法执行。工程建设定额反映了工程建设和各种资源消耗之间的客观规律。???? 关键词 ABSTRACT Engineering quantity list valuation method, is a construction project bidding, in accordance with the construction project quantity list valuation standard (GB50500 - 2008), the tendered or entrust a qualified intermediary organization reflects the project entity consumption and measures of engineering quantity list, and as part of the bidding documents provided to bidder, by the bidder based on engineering quantity list, according to the various channels of the engineering cost information and experience data, combined with the enterprise quota autonomous quotation valuation way. Engineering construction quota is according to the country for a period of time management system and management system, according to the different ration of the purpose and the application scope, designated by the organization in accordance with certain procedures developed. And in accordance with the provisions of the approval process and procedures. Engineering construction quota reflects construction and resource consumption between the objective law. Key words: Inventory valuation; Quota valuation; Entity consumption; Measure of consumption; Engineering construction 目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………I 绪论……………………………………………………………………………………2 1.1研究背景…………………………………………………………………………2 1.2研究的目的及意义………………………………………………………………2 定额


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