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Figure Interpretation 数字口译 英汉两种语言数字单位名称的不同 数字口译难点:千以上的汉语和英语的数字单位名称不同。这就造成了数字口译不仅是符号代码的转换,而且还必须进行换算。 Quiz E-C 10 thousand 20 million 2.3 billion C-E 3万 10万 1亿 汉英数字单位名称对比 汉语:四位数字一个分节 英语:三维数字一个分节 汉英数字单位名称对比 汉英数字单位表达对比 模糊笼统数字的口译 口译中经常遇到一些模糊数字,如“几个”、“十几个”、“几十个”、“成百上千个”等等。模糊数字的口译虽也有一定的规律,但主要靠平时熟记,用时才能熟练自如,准确无误。注意以下模糊数字的口译 几个?? 十几个? 几十个???? 几十年????????? 七十好几了??? 好几百个??????? 成千上万?/千千万万?????? 几十万? 三三两两 少于??? 多余 大约,估计,接近, 差不多?? ?? some; a few;/several; a number of more than 10; no more than twenty dozens of Decades well over seventy hundreds of thousands of hundreds of thousands of by twos and threes below, fewer than, less than, within upwards of, above, more than, over, exceed around, nearly, close to, about, approximately, estimated 特殊倍数的表达 到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右 Quadruple :增加了三倍,翻两番 double:增加了一倍,翻一番 treble:增加两倍,增加到三倍 By 2020, China’s GDP will quadruple that of 2000 to approximately USD 4 trillion. 今年的粮食产量比去年增长2成. 20% The output of grain this year increased by 20% over the last year. by+数字/ to+数字/ at+数字的短语 to 利润从1.05亿元降到7500万元左右。 A drop in profits from $105 million to $75 million. by 房价上涨了10%。 House prices went up by 10%. at 中国经济年均增长9.4% China’s economy grows at an annual rate of 9.4%. Useful verbs 位居世界第二… Is ranked the second…/ 中国经济总量位居世界第六,进出口贸易额居世界第四。 China’s economy is ranked the 6th in the world and its foreign trade is ranked the 4th. China is the world’s sixth largest economy and the fourth largest trader. 上涨,增长 To rise, to increase, to climb, to go up, to jump, to soar… A sharp/considerable/slight increase/ rise 下降,减少 To fall, to drop, to decline, to decrease, to reduce,to go down A sharp/slight drop/decline Total 总计 去年收入总计人民币150亿元,比上年增长20% The revenue of last year totaled RMB 15 b yuan, a 20% increase over the previous year. Short expressions Very Useful!! 今年为…, 比上年上涨了… …, a ~% increase over the previous/last year …, up ~%. …, ~ tons more than last year. 全年产量 The annual output of… 年均进口增速达到20% The import


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