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1) I often drop ________ my uncle’s home. A. by B. over C. in D. on 2) We always _______ our friends’ homes without ______ plans. A. drop by; make B. drop by; making C. visit; make D. visit; to make 3) I would drop in on you when I passed your home. (2012山西中考英语模拟)  A. drop behind??? B. drop by to see?? C. take care of???? D. go out of A B B 4. get mad 大动肝火;气愤 They are sure to?get mad?to hear it.?? 他们听了一定会气坏了。 Mother got mad with me for coming home late.?? 妈妈为我回家晚了这件事而大发雷霆。 Father wont?get mad about?your mistake.?? 父亲不会为你的错失生气的。 拓展: mad adj. 很生气;疯的 She was?mad?at her husband for forgetting her birthday. ?? 她因为她的丈夫忘了她的生日而生气。 Both brothers are?mad?about tennis. 兄弟俩对网球都很入迷。 She went?mad?after the death of her son. ?? 儿子死后,她就疯了。 (2009潍坊中考) Liu Qian as a little boy was so ________ his own magic world that he seldom went out to play with other children. A. good at B. mad about C. popular with D. afraid of (2007内江中考) My mother is angry with me because I didn’t finish the homework. A. surprised at B. mad at C. excited at B B 5. heavy traffic 交通繁忙, 交通拥堵, 车水马龙 What?heavy traffic! 多拥挤的交通! He got home late because of the?heavy traffic.?? 他回家晚是因为交通拥挤之故。 traffic n. 交通; 路上行驶的车辆 His left knee was hurt in a?traffic?accident. 他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。 Theres usually a lot of?traffic?at this time of day. 每天在这段时间往来车辆都很多。 The streets are crowded with traffic. 街上车辆很多。 light traffic?行人车辆稀少 little traffic?交通不拥挤 long-distance traffic?长途交通车辆 one-way traffic?单向交通 two-way traffic?双向来往的交通(车辆) slow-moving traffic?缓慢移动的车流 air traffic?空中交通 rush-hour traffic?交通高峰 (2009·泰安中考) Rush hour is the time of day when t________ is very heavy. (2013东营) ?--- Excuse?me,?haven’t?you learned?the?new?_______ law??Everyone? in?a?car must?wear?the?seat?belt. --- Sorry,?we?won’t?do?that?again. A.?food? B.?traffic? C.?medicine



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