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XXXX毕业设计 人信房地产开发项目可行性研究 XXXX建筑工程学院 二O一一年六月 摘要 房地产是房产和地产的合称,是房屋与土地在经济方面的商品表现,是一个复杂的综合型产业,并能拉动相关配套的产业想成一个较大规模的产业群体。房地产具有投资金额大,投资周期长,投资风险不确定的特点,因此在房地产项目开发前做可行性研究是非常必要的。一个项目的开发建设,特别是大中型项目,话费人力、物力、财力很多不是只凭经验或感觉就能确定的,而是要通过对投资决策是否可行、房地产项目的产品是否有销路、有无竞争力、投资效果如何等方面进行可行性研究,并依此作为项目是否可建和选址的依据,为房地产项目的投资决策提供可行性依据。国家规定,凡是没有经过可行性研究的房地产项目,不能列入计划,不能批准设计任务书,不能进行建设 本文通过理论结合实际的研究,说明了房地产项目可行性研究的一般流程,它能够帮助我们在房地产开发过程中避免决策的盲目性,做到项目定位清晰、技术安排合理、资金预算准确。本文对于荆州人信汇房地产项目的开发具有重要的实践意义,对其他房地产开发商开发项目时也具有一定的参考意义。 关键词: 房地产,市场分析,可行性研究 ABSTRACT Real estate is real estate and property referred to, is the house and land on the economy of commodity, is a comprehensive and complex industry, and can pull the relevant industry to become a large industry group. Real estate has a large amount of investment, long investment cycle, the characteristics of the investment risk and uncertainty, it is necessary to do a feasibility study on the real estate project development. A project development and construction, especially large and medium-sized projects, a lot of human, material and financial resources, it is not only can experience or feel certain, feasibility research, but by whether it is feasible for the investment decision of real estate project whether the product is marketable, there is no competition, the investment results, and so as the project is built and the location of the basis, provides the feasible basis for the real estate project investment decision. The provisions of the state, usually without the feasibility study of real estate projects, not included in the plan, not approved design task book, not for construction Through the study of integration of theory with practice, illustrates the general flow of the feasibility research of real estate, it can help us to avoid the blindness of decision making in real estate development process, do the project positioning clear, reasonable arrangement, technology capital budget accuracy. It has i



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