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Lecture 1 Invitations to Linguistics 马云:德国汉诺威博览会英文演讲 /kao/63/637510.html /pinglun/cyqemw6s1/410027000 12岁华裔女孩TED演讲:大人该做什么(双语) /en/2014-05-09/103580192.shtml /How schools kill creativity 10肢体语言塑造你自己 /article/2015-03-07/1909976.html Guided questions 1. What is language? 2. What are the features of language? 3. What are the functions of language? 4. How are linguistic studies done? Guided Reading Reflecting on language The definition and nature of language Design features of language 如何把语言的定义和特征一一对应起来? Knowing linguistics Definition and scope/branches of linguistics Basic concepts in linguistics New development in linguistics Teaching objectives (1-4) Students’ reports Metafunctions (元功能)补充内容 Several concepts of linguistic study Questions for reflections 1. Can you find examples to illustrate the role/functions of language in daily life? 分析春晚语言类节目的语言特色以及功能 2. How do you define language? Do you agree with the definition provided in textbook? 3. What do you think is the origin of language? 4. Not only are many languages dying today, many dialects are also disappearing from the planet. Many parents discourage their children from speaking their local dialect. Do you think that someday people all over the world will speak only one language, or someday dialect will cease to exist? 5. Comments on the view that “Language is human specific”. 一般功能: 语言之于社会生活的,即语言能干什么? 具体的功能。 纯理功能(元功能): 语言之于语言的,即语言本身有什么样的结构、系统、词汇语法、语音可以帮助语言本身完成它的功能?理性的、抽象的功能 三个纯理功能在任意一个语言现象中是同时起作用的。 关 系: 语言完成的社会功能是千变万化的,具有无限的可能性,但我们可以把它们归纳为若干个有限的抽象的功能,这就是“纯理功能”或“元功能”这是种种语言用途所固有的。 任何一个句子,不管它表达的是什么一般功能,都可以用三个纯理功能来阐释。 The Functions of Language Two types of functions: General functions: the particular individual uses of language, i.e. the specific functions are separate and independent of each other. Metafunctions: the larger more general purposes underlying language use. Every sentence is multifunctional and has three metafunctions simultaneously. Questions Is the list of functions exhau


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