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英语听力模拟试题(一) Text 1 W: Hi Gus! Have you been to that new theater in the Wanda shopping center? I’m going Friday night. M: I went on its opening weekend. The seats were so comfortable. Text 2 M: Is dinner ready? Remember, we have that lecture we’re going to tonight. W: Don’t worry. I didn’t have time to cook so I ordered pizza and a garden salad. Text 3 W: Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for a long time. M: Oh, I just haven’t been going out. I lost my job, so I don’t have a lot of extra money. Text 4 M: How many students took the exam last Saturday? W: Well, let’s see. Fifty had planned to, but not everyone showed up. I believe they had twenty-five from the Middle East and fifteen from North America. Text 5 M: Does this cheese taste funny to you? I think it might be time to throw it out. W: This is a special kind of German cheese. It has a really strong flavor, but it hasn’t gone bad or anything. Text 10 Attention! Attention! This is an announcement for all passengers and crew aboard this cruise ship! It seems that we have run out of fuel, and will have to stop in approximately ten minutes. We are around 200 miles off the coast, and we are in the process of contacting the coast guard to come to our rescue. Please do not panic! There is no danger of us sinking! We are merely unable to move! Once help arrives, we will make another announcement, and let you know how to proceed. In the meantime, please continue to enjoy our many onboard luxuries, like our warm water pool, our tennis courts, and our gym. Our staff will also be handing out free drink in the dining halls. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to approach one of our crew members. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for choosing our cruise line! 英语听力模拟试题(二) Text M: I wonder if Sue will be here by five. W: Her husband said she left home at half past four. She should be here at ten after five, a quarter past five at the latest. Text 2 M: I think foreign languag


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