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中考英语总复习阅读理解专项详解--中考真题透视 3 --“判断正误”式 Passage 1 本文档由【中文word文档库】提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。   Do you remember your dreams? Do people have the same dreams? Why do we dream? There are many questions about dreams. We dream during the REM (rapid (快的) eye movement) stage (阶段) of sleep. We have about five periods of REM sleep during the night. The first REM cycle (周期) lasts about 10 minutes. As the night goes on, the REM cycle gets longer. By early morning, the REM cycle can last up to 90 minutes. Usually, it is in this last REM cycle that we remember our dreams.   Dreams change as people age. People may have several dreams each night. Some are like films and usually in color. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something and trying to find the answer. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can’t remember the dreams clearly.   It is reported that too much dreaming is bad for our health. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work. That is why we may have a long sleep and still feel tired when we wake up.   1.We dream during the REM stage of sleep.   2.Children aged eight or nine have the same dreams as people aged thirty.   3.All the dreams are usually in color like films.   4.The longer we dream, the better we sleep.   5.The passage above is talking about dreaming.  (选自2003年黑龙江省试题)   【解题思路点拨】做梦是人人都经历过的事情。本文向我们讲述了梦的五个REM周期。“日有所思,夜有所梦”。人们通常记不清楚自己梦中的情景。不过在黎明时分,即最后一个REM周期,梦中的事情往往在醒来之后仍然可以历历在目。人做梦时,神经系统尚在活动。短文最后得出结论:做梦太多有损于身体健康。   1.T.由短文第一段中的“We dream during the REM (rapid (快的) eye movement) stage (阶段) of sleep.”可以判断该句是正确的。   2.F.短文第二段首句“Dreams change as people age.”的意思是说,“梦因人的年龄不同而存在差异”。由此可知这句话是不正确的。   3.F.第二段很清楚地说明了“有些梦就像电影一样”(Some are like films …)这层意思。据此,这句话显然是错误的。   4.F.文章最后说,“睡觉的时间越多,做梦的时间就越长”,而“太多的梦对人体健康是不害的”。这句话的意思与原文背道而驰,所以是错误的。   5.T.非常明显,本文的三个自然段都是围绕着“梦”这一话题而写的。因此,这个句子是正确的。   Passage 2   Tom, an 11-year-old boy, was ill. He had got a co


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