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care for elder

Care for elder China phenomenon Empty Nest Syndrome What is the Empty Nest Syndrome? Empty Nest Syndrome (空巢老人)refers to the feelings of sadness, grief or even depression experienced by parents when their children decide to move out of home. What kind of character they have? Depressed Lonely Sleep badly Lose appetites Blame their sons and daughters When you are children…. But when you grow…. children to leave home secure in the knowledge that they have a solid home base behind them, and ways The nest of family love is like a nest of birds. When it is the right time to fly, the young will fly away, as is the way of life. Parents must deal with the absence of family, friends, and love when children have flown from the nest of their family to build their own. However, for some people, especially for the primary caregiver, this can be a time of great emptiness and sadness, that can easily tip into depression if unheeded.. so many people feel they suffer from this condition, the charity Parentline Plus has recently set up a specific advice line for them. Empty Nest Syndrome is not a term youll find in many medical text books, but it has become a useful ‘label’ for the feelings of sadness and loss, which many individuals experience when their children fly the nest. Its most common in autumn, when vast numbers of teenagers go to college or university. It can also happen when a child gets married, because matrimony is a clear signal that parents are no longer needed in the ways they once were. I am here waiting for you Go Home ,Please! Do you pay attention to them ?may be they are your grandparents… How to Recover From Empty Nest Syndrome Prepare for the departure Shift aside the terrifying thoughts Explore the ways that you intend to keep in touch with your children Understand what empty nest syndrome is, so that you can recognize the symptoms in your own situation Accept support Start looking to your own needs Rediscover the love of your life Focus on some of


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