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Robert Browning (1812-1889) Robert Browning (1812-1889) Brownings Early Life and Career Robert Browning was born in a well-to-do familiy, in 1812. His father, a clerk of the Bank of England, was a learned man with a library of 6,000 volumns and an amateur of art and literature. Robert Browning was educated almost entirely at home, his mother teaching him music and his father giving him an introduction to Greek and Roman classics, the Italian Renaissance poets and 18th-century English literature. Under this literary education, Browning set his heart early on being a peot, and began to write poetry at 12. Browning’s Works Pauline modeling on Shelley’s personal style,showed his enthusiasm for Shelley. Sordello(1834-1840) a long poem about the 13th century troubadour(游吟诗人) of that name. Paracelsus(1835) first work published under Browning’s own name. Because of it,Thomas Noon Talfourd praised him as“the youngest poet of England”. Porphyria’s Lover(1836) his first really distinctive monologue. Pippa Passes(1841) is the first of a series of poems published between 1841 and 1846 under the generl of “ Bells and Pomegranates”. Browning’s Works My Last Duchess Browning’s best known dramatic monologue. It is a speech addressed by the Duke of Ferrara(a city in Italy) to an envoy who comes to negotiate the Duke’s contemplated marriage after he has put his “last duchess”to silence.Dramatic Lyrics(1842) Dramatic Romances and Lyrics(1845) Bells and Pomegranates Men and Women(1855) Dramatic Personae(1864) The Ring and the Book(1868-1869) Brownings Marriage Pippa Passes is the first of a series of poems published between 1841 and 1846 under the general title of Bell and Pomegranates. These poems attracted the attention of Miss Elizabeth Barrett, a well-known poetess of the time, who praised Browning in one of her poems: Or from Browning some pomegranate which, if cut deep down the middle, Shows a heart within blood-tinct


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