Teacher-generated question(s).ppt

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Teacher-generated question(s)

Science for the Young Child: Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry Jill Zarazinski Visiting Assistant Professor of Science Education State University of New York College at Brockport Inquiry-based Learning Active methodology and various solutions (National Research Council, 1996) Student responsibility (Spronken-Smith Harland, 2009) Analytical skill development (Wolf Laferriere, 2009) Real-world connections and scientific literacy (National Research Council, 1996) Levels of Inquiry Confirmation Structured Guided Open Confirmation Inquiry Recipe science Step-by-step instructions Confirm a KNOWN concept -Known end solution Structured Inquiry Recipe science Step-by-step procedures Going through the motions Investigate an UNKNOWN concept Guided Inquiry Teacher-generated question(s) Student-generated procedure and data collection Investigate an UNKNOWN concept Open Inquiry Student-generated question(s) Student-generated procedure and data collection Investigate an UNKNOWN concept Components of Inquiry Levels Question Procedure Solution Confirmation X X X Structured X X Guided X Open Adapted from: n.a. (n.d.). Level of inquiry. Retrieved on August 19, 2009 from http://412science.rusd.k12.ca.Documents /…/Levels%20of%20Inquiry.doc Final Thought “The challenge for all who want to improve education is to create an educational system that exploits the natural curiosity of children so that they maintain their motivation for learning not only during the school years but through life.” - Robert E. Yager References n.a. (n.d.). Level of inquiry. Retrieved on August 19, 2009 from http://412science.rusd.k12.ca.Documents/…/Levels%20of%20Inquiry.doc National Research Council. (1996). National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Spronken-Smith, R., Harland, T. (2009). Learning to teach with problem-based learning. Active Learning in Higher Education, 10(2), 138-153. Wolf, M., Laferriere, A.


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