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Festivals around the world教学课件4

活学活用 仿写句子。 ①在旅途中,他与另一个旅行者相遇,他们决定结伴旅游。 _________in his journey,he met another traveler________. ②女孩在那家公司工作期间,她交了个好朋友,后来他们创立了他们自己的事业。 ___________in that company,___________ they set up their own business together later. 语法单句填空。 ③________volleyball is her main focus, shes also great at basketball. ④Hes a teacher ________ his brother is a doctor. 单句改错。 ⑤They have fallen in love for many years. ________________________ 答案:①While he was;and they decided to travel together ②While the girl was working; she made a good friend and ③While/Though/Although 本题考查连词。句意为虽然排球是她的主项,但是她对篮球也很擅长。while/though/although意为“虽然”,符合语境。 ④while while在此意为“而”,表示对比。 ⑤fallen→been 12.When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her granddaughter was married to a human, she became very angry and made the weaving girl return to Heaven. 当王母娘娘知道自己的外孙女跟一个凡人结了婚,她勃然大怒,把织女带回天庭。 名师点拨 句中含有“make+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构 在该结构中常用来作宾语补足语的有:名词、形容词、不定式(短语)(主动语态中不带to但被动语态中带to)、介词短语和过去分词等。 ①We made Jack monitor of our class. 我们让杰克当班长。 ②What he had said made me angry. 他的话让我很生气。 ③The boss made them work day and night. 那个老板迫使他们日夜工作。 (被动形式:They were made to work day and night.) ④He tried to make his work recognized in the medical circles. 他试图让自己的工作被医学界认可。 活学活用 仿写句子。 ①当这位游客意识到客车离开没有等他时,他很生气并让司机回来接他。 ______________________the bus had left without waiting for him,he became angry and ______________________ to pick him up. ②当织女知道她母亲处境危险时,她让这位小神引(guide)她到她母亲在的地方。 __________the weaving girl knew that her mother was in danger,she __________________ her to the place where her mother was. 单句改错。 ③Helen had to shout to make herself hear. _______________________________________________ ④We must do what we can to make the old to live a happy life. _____________________________________________ 答案:①When the traveler realized that; made the driver come back ②When; made the god guide ③hear→heard ④去掉第二个to 课堂达标验收 Ⅰ.语法填空 1.Thinking that he had to accept the fact as the only choice,he only drowned himself ________ wine. 答案:in 句意:一想到接受事实是唯一的选择,他只有借酒浇愁。 2.We



