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题目 (中文) 从修辞角度论间接言语行为在
英语言语交际中的运用 (外文) On the Application of Indirect Speech Act in English Verbal Communication
on the Basis of Rhetorical Devices
On the Application of Indirect Speech Act in
English Verbal Communication on the Basis of Rhetorical Devices
Communication plays a significant role in people’s daily life. Through communication, people could express their opinions and understand others’ needs. Good communication is conducive not only to present viewpoints properly but also to improve interpersonal relationships. In addition to direct speech, indirect speech is another indispensable part of communication. In order to communicate better, people need to know some basic knowledge about it. So, this paper analyzes the application of indirect speech in English verbal communication on the basis of rhetorical device. In the first part, the author gives a brief introduction to the speech act theory and the indirect speech act. In the second part, the author elaborates on the application of indirect speech, including its classifications and motivations. In the third part, the author probes into types of rhetorical device used in indirect speech. There are three types according to their functions, which are politeness, vividness, and expressiveness. In the last part, the author moves on to a natural conclusion.
Key words: indirect speech act; English verbal communication; rhetorical devicesOn the Application of Indirect Speech Act in
English Verbal Communication on the Basis of Rhetorical Devices
Thesis Statement: This paper discusses the application of indirect speech act in English verbal communication from the perspective of rhetorical devices.
I. Introduction
II. The Application of Indirect Speech Act
A. The Classifications of Indirect Speech
1. The Conventional Indirect Speech Act
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