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国际贸易实务讲义 ?Chapter4: Export Price In this chapter: you can grasp the price of the imported and exported goods correctly, selecting the favorable pricing currency for use , using relevant commission and discount properly, and ordering the price clause in the contract. Section 1: Price Section 2 :Methods of fixing the price Section 3 :Choosing the currency Section 4 :Application of commission and discount Section 5: Price clause Section 6: Communication of price Section 1: Price 一、Principles of price 二、Fluctuation of price in International Market 三、Factors affecting price 四、Strengthening the cost-counting 五、Conversion of price (一)Principles to follow for pricing Pricing on the international market price Pricing according to the national and local policies Combine price with the selling or purchasing intention to modify price (二) Fluctuation of price in International Market ㈢ Factors affecting price The quality of commodities The quantity of commodities The distance of transportation The place of delivery and trade term used The seasonal changes of supply-demand Methods of payment and fluctuation of exchange rates (四)、Strengthening the cost- counting 1. Export profit margin 出口利润 Export profit margin=[Export revenue (FOB)-Export cost (FOB)] / Export revenue (FOB) 出口商品盈亏率=(出口销售人民币净收入 -出口总成本)/出口总成本×100% 2. Export cost for foreign exchange Export Cost for Foreign Exchange =Export Cost in Local Currency (RMB) / Export Revenue in Foreign Currency (US$) 出口商品换汇成本=出口总成本(人民币) / 出口销售外汇净收入(美元) 出口换汇率(ECFFE) =1 / 出口换汇成本 出口商品换汇成本反映了出口商品的盈亏情况,它是考察出口企业有无经济效益的重要指标,其衡量的标准是:人民币对美元的汇价。该公式表明,如果出口商品换汇成本如高于银行的外汇牌价的现汇买入价,则出口为亏损;反之,则盈利。因此,要避免亏损,必须准确测算换汇成本。 * Profit and Loss Rate Profit and Loss Rate=(Converted rate-Export Cost for Foreign Exchange) / Export Cost for Foreign Exchange ×100% 盈亏率=(折算率-换汇成本)/换汇成本 ×100% 换汇成本=折算率/(1+盈亏率) 3. Generating foreign exchange through export (the rate of increase of foreign curren


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