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William Carols Williams’ Imagist Pursuit Presented by Liu yanting, Jin min William Carols Williams He was born in 1883 in Rutherford, New Jersey, and spent most of his life living and working in the same vicinity. His father was of British birth and was praised in the west Indies; his mother was born in Puerto Rilo and spoke mostly Spanish in the home. As a teenager Williams lived two years in Europe—attending schools in Switzerland and France— before returning to finish his education in United States. He entered the university of Pennsylvania medical school, and while at Penn met both Pound and H.D . He was fascinated and somewhat awed by Pound, who though younger was more ready more accomplished and committed as a poet. After receiving his medical degree in 1906, Williams decided that he would attempt one of the most difficult dual careers imaginable, working both as a doctor and a poet. His Imagist Pursuit Williamsfirst volume of poetry,published at his own expense,was by no means success.even his friend Pound dismissed it as derivative and unoriginal.Williams was not deterred.His second volume is Tempers . His first two volumes were not original. They relied heavily on styles inherited from poets such as browning, Yeats, and Pound. He said I should have written things around me, Williams later commented that, I just did not know how... I know nothing of language except what I heard in Keats and Pre -Raphaelitc brotherhood. The Red Wheelbarrow 几多沉重 压在 一辆红色手推车上 推车上雨水 闪亮 停放在几只白色 小鸡旁 The poet conveys to the readers a common sight of the farmyard:a heavy loaded red wheelbarrow is glazing in rain beside some white chickens. However, in the glazing transparent rain, a red wheelbarrow and white chickens promise a sharp contrast of bright colour. By contrasting the colours, the poet acturally merges some images into descriptions of the concret objects.The wheelbarrow,as a farm tool,stands for human labour, rain and chickens are obviously symbols of n



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