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响应面法优化酵子老面馒头生产工艺研究 温纪平 王大一 卞科 (河南工业大学 粮油食品学院, 河南 郑州 450001) 摘 要 酵子是传统混菌馒头发酵剂,利用酵子制作老面馒头,可以提升馒头口感和风味以及产品稳定性,促进传统发酵主食工业化。本研究利用响应面分析法对酵子制作老面馒头生产工艺进行了优化。在单因素试验的基础上,选取发酵时间、酵子添加量、发酵温度为自变量,馒头感官评分为响应值,进行响应面优化试验。确定最佳工艺参数为:发酵时间21 h、酵子添加量4%、发酵温度27 ℃,在此条件下馒头感官评分是79,与理论预测值78.40相差较小,说明响应面优化后的工艺具有一定的实践指导意义。对照试验中,老面馒头的感官评分高于新鲜酵子馒头,但稍低于酵母馒头。 关键词 酵子 老面 馒头 响应面法 中图分类号:TS213.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-0174( ) - - Research on the Optimization of Producing Process of Jiaozi Sourdough Steamed Bread by Response Surface Method Wen Jiping Wang Dayi Bian ke (School of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China) Abstract Jiaozi is one kind of the traditional mixed bacteria fermentation agents , producing sourdough steamed bread by Jiaozi can improve the taste ,the flavor and the stability of the end products, and accelerate the industrialization of traditional fermented staple food. The response surface method was used to optimize the producing process of Jiaozi sourdough steamed bread in this paper. On the basis of single factor experiments, response variables including the fermentation time, the Jiaozi add amounts, the fermentation temperature, and the sensory score was selected to carry out response surface optimal experiment for achieving maximum score of the steamed bread. The optimal process conditions were fermentation time of 21 h, jiaozi add amounts of 4%, fermentation temperature of 27 ℃. Under this condition, the actual sensory score of sourdough steamed bread was 79, compared to the theoretical score of 78.40, there was a small relative error. Technology optimized by response surface deserved some practical significance. In the control test, the sensory score of sourdough steamed bread was higher than that of Jiaozi steamed bread , but slightly lower than that of yeast steamed bread. Key words Jiaozi, sourdough, steamed bread, response surface method 馒头是中国传统发酵面食,是中华民族饮食文化的象征[]。作为传统风味馒头种类之一的老面馒头,即利用长时间发酵的面团—老面,作为发酵剂来制作馒头。由于其独特


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