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Griffith理论在非理想脆性材料中的修正 Irwin(1948,1957)和Orowan(1948) 每单位裂纹长度扩展时在断裂过程区内消耗的塑性变形功 塑性变形仅局限于裂纹尖端(即塑性区尺寸远小裂纹长度或其他特征长度尺寸) 裂纹扩展所释放的机械能大部分消耗于裂纹尖端的塑性变形功 塑性功的大小足以表征材料的断裂性能 材料常数? Egon Orowan 一 些 讨 论 什么是表面能? 裂纹长度a是否单调增的? 如何理解能量释放率G与加载方式无关(广义构型力、能量平衡)? Legendre变换和状态函数的选择? 是否存在一个特征尺度(尺寸效应)? 什么是表面能(Surface energy)? 在Griffith理论里有一个表面能的概念。其解释是生成单位面积新表面所需要的能量。主要以下几个问题: 1、表面能跟什么有关? 可以肯定的是跟材料性质有关,如铝、铁应该有不同的表面能。还有其他因素吗?跟材料的杨氏模量会不会有关系? 2、怎么能得到一种材料的表面能? 如果要通过实验得到材料的表面能,能否通过断裂力学的方法得到? 除了这个还有其他方法吗? 3、如果一个材料是各向异性的,比如杨氏模量有E1、E2。那么如果利用Griffith理论,是不是应该得到具有方向性的表面能? 什么是表面能(Surface energy)? Surface energy VS. Surface tension Surface tension form force: The force, F, involved in stretching a film is F = gL This means g= F/L i.e. force/unit length; Units: N/m or mN/m Surface energy from work: The work, dW, involved in increasing the surface by a length dx is, dW = dG = g L dx = g dA This means, g = dG/dA i.e. free energy/unit area; Units: J/m2 = N/m Surface tension and surface energy are interchangeable definitions with the same units. 什么是表面能(Surface energy)? Experimental measurement for Solid The surface energy of a solid is usually measured at high temperatures. At such temperatures the solid?creeps?and even though the surface area changes, the volume remains approximately constant. If g is the surface energy density of a cylindrical rod of radius r??and length?l?at high temperature and a constant uniaxial tension?P, then at equilibrium, the?variation?of the total?Gibbs free energy?vanishes, so ?variation of area ?variation of volume ?Surface energy Only for isotropic solids In the case of single-crystal materials, anisotropy in the surface energy leads to faceting. The shape of the crystal (assuming equilibrium growth conditions) is related to the surface energy by Wulff construction. 什么是表面能(Surface energy)? Calculations During the deformation of solids, surface energy can be treated as the “energy required to create one unit of surface area”, and is a functi


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