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学习内容 必修1 Unit5 第七课时 定语从句Ⅱ 编写人 何冬琴 一.学习目标 1.知识与能力:正确理解定语从句中的关系副词,熟练掌握其用法。 2.过程与方法:通过小组成员积极讨论,解决障碍,总结并踊跃展示关系副词where?,when,?why?及介词+which/whom的用法。 3.情感与价值观:用饱满的激情疯狂记忆,挑战自我,积极展示,享受学习的快乐。 二.学法指导 1.阅读策略:仔细阅读语法细则,用红色笔标出重难点,通过典型例句体会定语从句中关系副词的用法。 2.思考策略:认真观察典型例句,分析其表达的不同含义,思考并总结规律,举一反三。 知识链接 品味语法Turn to page 34. Read the text of ELISA’ STORY and find out all the attributive clauses.? ①The time ______I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. ②The school ______I studied only two years was three kilometers away. ③This was a time______ you had got to live in Beijing. ④The day _____ Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest days of my life. ⑤We have reached a stage _______ we have almost no rights at all. ⑥The parts of town______ they lived were places decided by white people. ⑦The places _______ they were sent to live were the poorest areas in South Africa.? 自主探究 On what circumstance do we use when/ where/ why to introduce an attributive clause? 2. 提升能力 1. where 表示地点,只能跟在表地点或场合的名词后,相当于in which = 1 \* GB3 ①What is the name of the town where (=___ _____) we stayed last night? = 2 \* GB3 ②Think of a place where (=____ ________) we can go for dinner. = 3 \* GB3 ③Please leave the book at the place where (in which) it was. 2. when表示时间,只能跟在表时间的名词后。相当于on/in which = 1 \* GB3 ①Tell me the time when(=____ ________) the train leaves. = 2 \* GB3 ②July, when (=______ ________ ) we can go home for a rest, is coming soon. 3. why表示原因,通常跟在reason后引导定语从句。相当于for which = 1 \* GB3 ①I don’t know the reason why (=____ _________) he left here. = 2 \* GB3 ②This is the reason why (= _____ _______) he cried. 自主探究 关系副词引导的定语从句修饰表示_____、_____、______的名词, 并在定语从句中作______(成分), 相当于“______+_______” 3. 区别归纳 = 1 \* GB3 ①. The reason _____________he missed the speech is that he forgot the time. = 2 \* GB3 ② The reason _______________ he gave us sounded reasonable. = 3 \* GB3 ③. I’ll never forget the day _________ we spent to


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