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表征传递着事物的信息,但是不同表征传递信息的效果是不同的。 Characterization can work as transmitting the information about things, but the effect of different characterization can be different if information is different 杯子是用来喝水的 The cup is used for drinking water 杯子是用盛东西的 The cup is made of things 创业需要资金 Businessman needs money 创业需要人、场地、商品…… Businessman need people, sites, commodity 2、知识的表征 2. The characterization of knowledge 陈述性知识的表征:语词、表象、命题 Characterization of Declarative knowledge: phrases, presentation, preposition 程序性知识的表征:用条件和动作来表征(“如果……那么……”的产生式或产生式系统) Characterization of procedural knowledge: Characterized by the use conditions and actions ( if... then... production or production system) 第六组实验 Experiment VI 下面将呈现5个汉字,你的任务是迅速判断这些汉字是生物还是非生物。 Below you will be presented with five characters, your task is to quickly determine if these Chinese characters represent a living being or non-living 请拿出一张纸和一支笔,如果呈现的汉字是生物,就计为s;如果呈现的汉字是非生物,就计为f。依次记录,不必写序号。Please take out a piece of paper and a pen, if presented character belongs to a living being, write s; if otherwise (non-living), write f. Just record in order, you dont have to write the serial number 准备好了吗?Ready?! 预备 开始 击 虫 处 鱼 备 判断完毕 Judgment completed 下面请你尽量将刚才所呈现的30个汉字默写下来。 Please try to write down the 30 Chinese characters you have just witnessed 核对 Verify 剩叠凝熟锁大疼正论单(形)Shape 横缓慢垂窗窃例雷恐第(音)Sound 屈酥映彪图虫此处鱼备(意)Meaning 关于记忆的实验 Regarding Memory experiment 向大学生被试者呈现三组单词,每组20个,每个单词呈现一秒钟。College student subjects were presented with three groups of words, each group of 20, each word appears a second 呈现第一组单词时要求大学生注意这些单词是用大写字母还是用小写字母拼写的;While presented with the first set of words, the students were asked to be attentive towards the words with uppercase or lowercase letters 呈现第二组单词时要求被试者考虑“它们和lemon押韵吗”; While presented with the second set of words, the students were asked to consider “whether the letters and lemon has any rhyme?; 呈现第三组单词时要求被试者考虑“它们是一种动物吗”。 While presented with the third set of words, the students were asked to consider if, they are


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