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Buffett’s valuable qualities 1. Independent personality: “You have to think for yourself. It always amazes me how high-IQ people mindlessly imitate. I never get good ideas talking to other people.” 你必须独立思考。我常常惊讶于:一些智商极高的人在市场上无意识的跟随大众,和这些人聊天对于我毫无益处。 What effects his decisions is only the decision methods. At any time, his decisions are made under independence, which often scare his investors. 2. Rational mind: He always said that when others become crazy, you should keep calm, while others are cold, you should be hot.当其他所有人都开始疯狂的时候,你应该选择冷静;而当其他所有人都冷静的时候,你应该选择疯狂。 For example: he refused to buy stocks in the booming 1960s, only to strike gold in the plummeting 1970s. 3. prescience For example: he stay away from the dotcom boom in the 1990s while others are crazy to invest this field who lose much after internet bubble. 4. concentration: Quotations: when a parachute only has 50% chance to be opened, who will choose this one?当降落伞只有50%成功打开概率的时候,谁会选择用这个降落伞呢? He always makes 100% investment. And he never spends a cent on what he is not interested in. He only believe in what he is familiar with. 5. Integrity and Honesty: ?In looking for someone to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. But the most important is integrity because if they dont have that, the other two qualities, intelligence and energy, are going to kill you. 在你雇佣人之前,你需要确认他的三项素质:正直诚实,聪明能干,精力充沛。但是最重要的是正直诚实,因为如果他不正直诚实而又具备了聪明能干和精力充沛,你的好日子也就到头了。 His money is clean, and he never is greed. He loves to make money and enjoy that process. Actually, he use a little money. Due to his integrity an honesty, he has many partners and investors and money. 6. frugality: “The reason why I become the richest man in the world is that I spend less.”我之所以成为世界首富是因为我花的少。 For instance: He lives in the modest home that he bought it in unfashionable Omaha, Nebraska, in 1958, which is today valued at about £350,000


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