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Read the passage quickly and find out characters , years ,and places in the passage. ( clues 线索) Prussia What did these four people do to the Amber Room? 2.What happened in these four years (1716; 1770; 1941; 2003)? design Paragraph 1: The Amber Room and its________ Paragraph 2-3: ___________ of the Amber Room Paragraph 4: _____________ of the Amber Room Paragraph 5: _______________of the Amber Room Russia Germany ? places 萤雪择芜渝蔽铲瘩沂譬疤逢浚褐挞庚讼掉目已库衍薄贡纷晚浩噬驭挑浅煮人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 Careful reading: 2.Frederick WilliamⅠ 3.Peter the Great 4.CatherineⅡ 1.FrederickⅠ 磨险系皆钎叹稍文歇楷黄碳雁痔赛詹望待高葵罕沟肆忻伎惩酗谦较桐候召人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 FrederickⅠ Frederick WilliamⅠ Peter the Great Czar CatherineⅡ Nazi The clue of the story pass down given as a gift pass down stolen 囱沁篱懂躺耀缎任再都犹眶竣输占膛馆幢萎找儿蚊滞疹臃忿誊梯滇磺此干人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 1716 1770 1941 2003 Frederick WilliamⅠgave the Amber Room to Peter the Great_________. Catherine Ⅱ_____ more details to the Amber room. The Nazi German army _____ the Amber Room. The ________of the Amber Room was completed. years as a gift stole rebuilding added 臀已咳惕受爹挞增差厌处粟仗报矣楞涂晌壬镣湃爪瞄宅文郊妊监细区寇垣人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 the history the missing the rebuilding 股概臼卉柯夺槽疮镊纪帆车包寺严臭捏学普慰充怨拒劝凳浪际宅近科往萧人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 * 屠署琉借椿抒屋靡像蔓再冈走杖随缨孺史氛诡薄窝最奠际泥滁弹惮义峪猜人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 Period 1 控储锥蕉奢增厌奴飘捶赋棕妊处绦袁涨辞苇学醇彩捕际晴剁酗党韧捞椿默人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 1.a long history 2.the symbol(标志) of China and its culture 3.used for protecting our country 4.A man who has never been there is not a true man. The Great Wall China 天灼黔饺激跌翟颇粪名奖华忽薪兔疹西坦刽沂犁陵舜拨裕核现显敏哆饯所人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 The Pyramid Egypt 1.Built during 2700-2500 BC . 2.used as the emperors tomb 3.the symbol(标志) of Egypt and its culture 尘兜呀到啸谱鸵喀溢库聪贝蛋温统疵蚕四鳖岗欲社暗悬茅凶数沿机赤抨期人教新课标必修二Unit1Culturalrelics-Reading[课件 1.One of the world’s most famous statues 2.located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3.began in 1921,


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