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A Basic Course in Writing 英语写作基础教程 辅导教师: 盛秋霞 电话QQ: Email: susanna_sheng@ 嘉善学院 Chapter one Manuscript Form and Punctuation (文稿格式和标点符号) Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1) Arrangement Word division Capitalization Handwriting Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1) Arrangement 1. two centimeters at the top 2. two centimeters at the bottom 3.one and a half centimeters on the left 4.one and a half centimeters on the right Arrangement Arrangement Arrangement Task 1 P2 Attention ! Answers to task 1 Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1) Word division 1. one syllable 单音节 2. two or more syllable 双音节 Word division (P2) -le Single letter Two-letter ending Hyphen Double consonants The last word of a page Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1) Capitalization 1. proper names 2. key words in titles 3. the first words of sentences Capitalization (P3) Proper names Key words in titles The first words of sentences Handwriting (P4) one and a half centimeters Focus 2 Punctuation (P4) The comma (,) The period (.) The semicolon (;) The colon (:) The question mark (?) The exclamation mark (!) Quotation mark (“”) Parentheses/brackets (()) Square brackets(【】) The dash(-) Attention ! The comma (,) The comma (,) The comma (,) The period (.) Task 2 Task 2 Focus 2 (P3) 动词 to be Be的意思”是” 肯定句(主语是单数) I am (I’m) a teacher. (第一人称) You are (You’re) a student. (第二人称) He/She is (He’s/She’s) a student. (第三人称) Grammar focus 2 (P3) 动词 to be 肯定句(主语是复数) We are teachers. You are students. They are students. Examples (否定句) 主语是单数 I am not a teacher. You are not a student. He is not a student. 主语是复数 We are not teachers. You are not students. They are not students. Grammar focus 3 名词的单复数:规则和不规则变化 规则变化:1)加 - s ,如jobs 2)加 -es , 如buses 3)辅音字母加Y结尾去y变i 加es 如parties 4)去 f/fe 变 v 加 es 如wolves 不规则变化 man→ men, woman→ women child→ children Language focus 4 (P5) 代词(形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词) I→ My →mine We →Our → Ours You →


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