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《大学英语一》(第二版)201301考试考前复习资料 第一部分 考核方式介绍 一、考核方式:闭卷考试 二、考试时间:2小时 三、试卷结构 本课程考试时间长度为120分钟。考试采用的题型有词语用法和语法结构、挑错、完型填空、阅读理解、翻译和写作。各种题型的题量及所占分数的分配为:词语用法和语法结构题为15小题,每小题1分,共15分;挑错题为5小题,每小题2分,共10分;完型填空题为20小题,每题1分,共20分;阅读理解题为10小题,每小题3分,共30;翻译为汉译英,英译汉各5题,共10题,10分;写作15分。 第二部分 复习指导 单项选择题复习指导 答题技巧 单选题都是针对课文中出现过,并在课件中重点讲解过的知识点设计的,包括词汇、语法、固定搭配、短语及句型等。 复习重点与难点 应充分重视课文和课件的学习,尤其是课件中老师举例讲解的语言点,也可通过做网上的配套练习来掌握每课的重点词汇和语法。 练习题 1.How long ago _____ playing football? A.had you stopped B.would you stop C.did you stop D.were you stopping 2.The ground is very wet. It _____ have rained last night. A.might B.can C.must D.may 3.Sam set out to improve _____ at the shirt factory, but he failed at last. A.efficiency B.sufficiency C.affect D.effect 4.The boy told his father that he would rather _____ an astronaut. A.become B.to become C.becoming D.became 5.Jack ought to _____ back by 11 oclock, but he has not turned up yet. A.come B.came C.have come D.has come 6.If I hadnt practiced when I was younger, the musician says, I _____ able to play so well now. A.wouldnt be B.wont be C.wouldnt have been D.couldnt have been 7.The poor little boy lost his way, and he sat in the woods _____. A.to weep B.weep C.weeped D.weeping 8.Earlier scientists thought that during a mans lifetime the power of his brain _____. A.diminished B.reduced C.decreased D.lessened 9.A doctor should be _____ for the lives of the patients. A.suitable B.famous C.responsible D.competent 10.Although he is over eighty, he has a _____ head. A.neat B.mixed-up C.tidy D.clean 11.After sitting down on the chair, he took out a _____ of cigarettes. A.parcel B.pack C.package D.packed 12.It was natural for Tom to feel a little nervous this morning because it was the first time for him to _____ a lecture. A.send B.deliver C.speak D.provide 13.We _____ fine weather for the past few days. A.have B.are having C.have been had


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