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初中时期必学英语时态所有结构? 一、一般现在时 (1)有 be 动词时:(be 有 am,is,are 三种形态,在此仅以 is 为例举例) 陈述句:Michael is a student. 否定句:Michael isnt a student. 疑问句:Is Michael a student? 回答:Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. (2)有情态动词时:(以 can 为例) 陈述句:Jane can speak Chinese well. 否定句:Jane cant speak Chinese well. 疑问句:Can Jane speak Chinese well? 回答:Yes, she can. / No, she cant. (3)当谓语动词为“实意动词”时:(以 go 为例) 陈述句:Tom goes to school by bike. / They go to school by bike. 否定句:Tom doesnt go to school by bike. / They dont go to school by bike. 疑问句:Does Tom go to school by bike? / Do they go to school by bike? 回答:Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. / Yes, they do. / No, they dont. 二、现在进行时 结构:主语 + be + v-ing 标志:居首一般有 Look! / Listen! 句尾一般有 now / at the moment。 举例: 陈述句:He is doing his homework now. 否定句:He isnt doing his homework now. 疑问句:Is he doing his homework now? 回答:Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. 三、一般将来时 结构: 主语 + be going to do sth. 主语 + will / shall do sth. 举例: 陈述句:We are going to have a math test next week. / She will go to Beijing tomorrow. 否定句:We arent going to have a math test next week. / She wont go to Beijing tomorrow. 疑问句:Are you going to have a math test next week? / Will she go to Beijing tomorrow? 回答:Yes, we are. / No, we arent. / Yes, she will. / No, she wont. (特例) 在“主语 + be going to do sth.”结构中,当动词为 come,go,leave,start,move 时,则用现在进行时的结构表达一般将来时的含义。在此以 go 为例: 陈述句:Im going to Canada in five days. 否定句:Im not going to Canada in five days. 疑问句:Are you going to Canada in five days? 回答:Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 四、现在完成时 结构: 主语 + have / has + 过去分词 标志:already / yet 等 以动词 finish 为例: 肯定句:Maria has finished her homework already. 否定句:Maria hasnt finished her homework yet. 疑问句:Has Maria finished her homework yet? 回答:Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt. (注意) 在现在完成时中,当动词为“非延续性动词”时(例如 open / close / leave / borrow / die 等),不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,但可以采用其他方式表达相同的含义。现以 die 为例: 翻译:他已经去世二十年了。 (错误表述)He has died for twenty years. (正确表述)He has been dead for twenty years. (正确表述)He died twenty years ago. (正确表述)It has been twenty years since he died.


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