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* Id love to sail across the Pacific! (reading) sail (v.航行, 驾驶) Pacific (n.太平洋) translator (n.翻译员) come true (实现) hold on to 坚持,不放弃 continue v.继续,连续 realistic(现实的) Listen to the teacher carefully and try to guess which word or phrase she is talking about! (根据老师的英文描述,猜出相应的单词或短语) Which one is the teacher talking about? continue v.继续,连续 realistic (现实的) translator (n.翻译员) come true (实现) hold on to坚持,不放弃 sail (v.航行, 驾驶) Pacific (n.太平洋) Listen carefully and try to get the main idea .(仔细听,并试着总结文 章大意。) Read the text quickly. Try to answer the following questions.(快速阅读全文,然后回答问题。) “T” for true and “F” for false. 1.Hundreds of the students across China took part in the survey.( ) 2.Some of the students would like to work as soon as possible because they think its too boring to study.( ) 3.The most popular choice of job is teaching.( ) 4.According to the survey ,teenagers prefer to do jobs they enjoy.( ) 5.To dream of sailing across Pacific is one of the most realistic dreams.( ) F F F T F What are the hopes and dreams of teenagers? Dreams Hopes To work after school as soon as possible To go on studying in the university Be volunteers for Hope Project To become famous, such as famous singers or sportspeople To go on exciting trips,such as sailing across the Pacific being able to fly 1.Why do some students want to start work as soon as possible? Because they can help provide better lives for their parents. 2.What is important to students about the work they do ? Do the jobs they enjoy. 3.What is the most popular choice of job? Its computer programming. Retelling We all _______ _______ things that we would like to do and things we hope to achieve in the _____. What would teenagers like to do after ________ their __________ ? Some of them would like to _______work _____ _____ ___ possible, other students hope to________ _________. Teenagers have ___ _______ of dream


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