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第二周周末翻译作业 2014-9 Allan Stewart, 澳大利亚人,生于1915年3月7日,成为2006年获硕士学位时年龄最大的人。 Born on March 7, 1915, Allan Stewart, an Australian, became the oldest man to obtain a master’s degree over the world in 2006. 2.他因为善于合理安排学习时间,受到老师表扬。 He was so good at arranging his study time that he got praise from his teacher. He was praised by his teacher for being good at managing his study time. 3.正是因为钱学森卓越的成就,他被誉为“中国航天之父”。 It is because of his great achievements that he is honored as the “Father of China’s Astronomy”. 4.华南植物园位于广州市天河区龙洞;占地面积333公顷。 Located in Longdong, Tianhe district, Guangzhou, the South China Botanical Garden covers an area of 333 hectares. 5. 华南植物园以大量珍贵和珍稀的花卉和植物而著称。 It is famous for its large number of valuable and rare flowers and plants. 6. 在父母是否应该为孩子举办生日会这个问题上大家意见不一。 Opinions on whether parents should hold birthday parties for their children vary from person to person. 7. 一些学生反对参加社团活动,认为这对他们今后的发展没有帮助。 Some students were against taking part in club activities, arguing that they are of no help to their future development. 8. 为了了解有关体育锻炼的情况,上周我们在500名高三学生中展开了一个调查。 Last week we carried out a survey among 500 Senior 3 students on their physical training. Last week, a survey was conducted among 500 students in order to/so as to know about their physical training. 9. 调查表明,自1997年开始, 在中国上大学的外国学生的数量一直在稳步的增长。 As the survey shows, the number of foreign students attending Chinese universities has been rising/growing steadily since 1997. 10.根据调查,每年有400万人死于与吸烟相关的疾病。 According to the survey, 4 million people die of diseases linked to smoking every year. * * * *


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