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The Right Magic ACT I Hi, Grandpa. 嗨,爷爷。 Hi, Robbie. 嗨,Robbie。 Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? Yes, indeed. 对,正需要。 Hand me two eggs from the refrigerator, 替我从冰箱里拿两个鸡蛋来。 and Ill make you two fried eggs. 我给你煎两个蛋。 How about some bacon? 来点熏猪肉怎么样? I made enough for an army. 我煎了一大堆。 You going to the baseball game today? 你今天要去看棒球赛? Its a perfect day for it--a little cloudy but nice and warm. 今天是看球赛的好天,有点云,但舒适暖和。 Dad and I were planning to go to the game, 爸爸本来要和我一起去看比赛的, but he has to work today, 但他今天工作忙, and my friends dont want to go. 我的朋友们又不想去。 Its not an important game, anyway. 话说回来,这场比赛不重要。 Do you have any other plans for the day? 那么你今天有别的计划吗? Ill work on my computer. 我要练电脑。 I have a new math program, and I want to learn how to use it. 我有一个新的数学软件,我想学习怎样用。 Maybe you can teach me 改天你教教我 how to work on a computer someday. 如何使用电脑吧。 Anytime. Its really easy, but, like anything, 没问题。实在很容易,但是,和其它东西一样, you need to work at it, Grandpa. 你得常常练它,爷爷。 This bacon is great. 肉做得太好了。 I love crispy bacon. 我喜欢脆的肉。 Oh, what are you doing tomorrow? 噢,明天你打算干吗? Nothing much. 没什么要紧的事。 Well, maybe your dad and I could take you fishing with us. 嗯,也许你爸爸和我可以带你去钓鱼。 Id like that, but ... 我很想去,但是…… But what? 但是什么? But Dad is always so busy. 但是爸爸总是那么忙。 Well, can you come fishing with me tomorrow? 那么,你明天能和我去钓鱼吗? Sure, I can. 当然,我可以。 Robbie says you cant take him to the game today. Robbie说你今天不能带他去看比赛。 I really feel bad about it, 我真过意不去。 but they need me at the hospital today, 但今天医院有事, in the childrens ward. 在小儿科病房那边。 I understand. 我可以理解。 Maybe we can spend some time together next weekend. 也许下个周末我们可以一起玩。 Definitely. 没问题。 We should. 我们应该如此。 You and Robbie and me. 你,Robbie和我。 Remember our first fishing trip? 还记得我们第一次一起钓鱼吗? I sure do.... 我当然记得…… Well, Ive got to run, Dad. 嗯,我得赶紧走了,爸爸。 See you later. 再见。 Going fishing? 要去钓鱼? Im thinking about it.... 我正在考虑中…… So, hows work? 工作还顺利吗? Oh, the usual problems. 还不是那些老问题。 Youre working pretty hard these days. 你这阵子工作得很辛苦呀。


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