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Team members Passages The latter quality of Ivory Soap is especially attractive to children. Generations of little boys armed with toothpicks, miniature flags, or leftover parts from model ships—there are always a few --have converted bars of Ivory Soap into bathtub battleships. A note of warning for any small boys who may be reading this: Mothers tend to frown on the practice. Ivory Toothpicks miniature leftover Frown on/upon Latter adj. Your company slogan LOGO 孙宇 孙日丹 2 王也 尚舒婷 3 王婷 姜雨杉 1 . n象牙;象牙制品;象牙色;象牙质 adj.象牙制的;象牙色的 It?is?carved?from?ivory. 它是用象牙雕成的。 The?panel?had?a?veneer?of?gold?and?ivory. 这木板上面镶饰了一层金和象牙。 n.牙签 The restaurant supplies complimentary tissues and toothpicks to customers. 这个餐厅向顾客提供免费的纸巾和牙签。 adj.小型的,微小的 n.微型复制品;微小模型;微型画;微型人像画 vt.使成小型;把…画成纤细画;缩写 复数:miniatures?? Yet miniature cigars are holding steady. 但是小型雪茄的销售仍然保持稳定。 Think?of?it?as?lump-sum?investing?in?miniature. 不妨将其视为小规模的一次性投资。 ---very small adj.剩余的;未用完的;吃剩的 n.剩余物;残羹剩菜 复数:leftovers?? 同义词:remnant,?left,?left?over,?odd,?remaining What shall we do with the leftovers? 这些剩菜怎么处理? The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup. 厨师将利用剩下的火腿骨头熬汤。 phr. 不满,不赞成 The manager frowned on your proposal. 经理不赞成你的提议。 Many?doctors?frown?on?a?diet?which?has?a?lot?of?fat. 许多医生都不赞成饮食中脂肪含量过高。 ---to disapprove of ---the second (of two people or things just mentioned) There are plastic and steel chairs but the latter are much heavier. We have to decorate the kitchen and the hall –I’d rather do the latter first. 这里有塑料和钢铁的椅子,但是后者更重。 我们必须装修厨房和大厅,我宁愿先做后者。 Your company slogan


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