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第24卷增2 岩石力学与工程学报 V01.24 Supp.2 2005年1 1月 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Nov.,2005 长短桩在深厚软土中的应用研究 张世民1,魏新江1 (1.浙江大学城市学院土木工程系,浙江杭州310015; 2,秦建堂1 2浙江大学土木工程系,浙江杭州310027) 摘要:在深厚软土地区的小高层建筑,采用长短桩进行地基处理具有显著的经济效益,但如何设计的文献却甚少。 以一工程为例,研究了如何进行基础方案选择和长、短桩及垫层等设计与应用。综合考虑荷载水平、地质情况和 利用基底土承载力、造价及挤土等因素,决定选用长短桩复合地基。在分析短桩加固区承载力内涵的基础上,提 出了短桩长度由桩端处软土强度决定的设计标准。长桩长度在选择了合适持力层后由总沉降量控制。垫层材料和 厚度在进行对比试验后,推荐采用密实性好的碎石、毛片石、砂混合垫层。实测结果表明,该工程长短桩复合地 基承载力和沉降均符合设计要求。 关键词:土力学;深厚软土;长短桩复合地基;设计方法;承载力;沉降 中圈分类号:Tu 43 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—6915(2005)增2—5427—06 RESEARCH ONAPPLICATIoN OF LONG.SHoRT PILES To DEEP.THICK SOFT SoIL AREA ZHANG Shi—minl,WEI Xin-jian91~,QIN Jian—tan91 (1.Department ofCivil Engineering,City College Zh巧iang University,Hangzhou 310015,China 2.Department ofCivil Engineering,Zh巧iang University,Hangzhou 310027,China) Abstract:Long-·short pile composite ground can achieve great economical benefit when it is used in low--high--rise building in deep-thick soft soil area.Previous approaches mainly depend on experts7 experience,SO relevant papers are seldom seen in this field.This paper presents a synthetic approach to resolve how to design long—short pile composite ground,which includes choosing foundation schemes,calculating long—short pile length and cushion in a typical project.Long—short pile composite ground wachosen according to the factors such as loading,soil condition and ground bearing capacity,price and soil squeezing effect.The length of short pile is decided by soft soil strength of short pile tip in terms of analysis on bearing capacity of short pile.The length of long pile is determined by total settlement after specific beating layer is chosen.Compared with experiments on cushion materials and thicken,a better cushion composed of mixed gravel,slab stone and sand is proposed in this project. Experimental data show that bearing capacity and settlement in this project meet the requirements of design. Key words:soil mechanics;deep·-thick soft soil;long·-short pile compo


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